Chapter 34

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Clarke sat outside, waiting for her parents to finish up with Al. She hoped it would be enough to send that despicable woman, Sydney, to her final moments before being floated. Being floated wasn't good enough for her, not by a long shot, not when she had killed her friends.

She took a lap around the patients recovering, and then another, and another. She wasn't sure if she was walking because she wanted to or because she just needed to keep moving lest she forget how to altogether. One part of her wanted to go find Murphy but the other couldn't bear to leave her friends when their lives all hung in the limbo...just waiting for them to wake up, to be okay.

She passed by where Fox and Sterling were. Luckily, they weren't as close to the blast as some others. They had been just walking near the meeting room when it happened. Fox sustained burns all along her left side and Sterling got his head bashed pretty hard against the wall when the bomb went off, but they were perhaps the least scathed... if that was even something to be happy about, in comparison.

She saw Fox stirring. They'd both been put on morphine, but decided that their wounds were minor enough to not need to be put in a medically induced coma. She first groaned, and Clarke was by her side immediately.

"Fox? Hey, it's Clarke..." Clarke said in a quiet, soothing voice, "You okay? You were in an accident, but you're fine now..." Clarke's lip quivered. She remembered there was going to be people she'd never get to say that too.

"Sterling?" Fox whispered, "Where's...Sterling?" She whispered, using all his strength to mutter his name.

"He's here, right next to you..." Clarke said, helping her turn over to face him. She reached out trying to find the space between their beds to his hand. Clarke picked up his hand, not as cold and clammy as she thought it would be, but alive and full of blood, and helped it bridge the gap.

"Sterling," Fox whispered quietly, her eyes fluttering open, hardly even concerned with anything but him.

Sterling groaned, and Clarke saw his hand tense around hers.

"F...ox?" He whispered back, "Are you okay?"

"I think so..." Fox managed back, finding her voice once again, "Are you?"

"I'm alive, aren't I?" He gave a lazy grin back, his eyes traveling up and down the gauze covering nearly her entire body.

"What the hell happened?" He asked.

"A bomb," Clarke broke in. It warmed her heart to see them rely on each other so tenderly, that kind of love couldn't be faked, best friends or lovers. It was one of the only pure things she'd seen today, "Ana help put it off. She betrayed us." Saying Ana's name, forcing it out her throat felt like spitting up tar. It hurt to say. It hurt her whole body to admit that someone she thought she knew had the ability to devastate all of them like that. She didn't say Al. She wasn't sure what his role in all this was, not yet. But they knew it was Ana. They all knew it was Ana.

"Matt's goddaughter..." Fox suddenly said, although Clarke didn't know whom she was talking about, "Adrian. She was in the room with us. She's six, is she okay?"

Clarke felt her heart drop to the bottom of her chest. All she knew was that a six-year-old hadn't been wheeled in and that there were some deceased. It was easy to put it together. She gave a slow shake of her head. Fox didn't hold back her rasping sob, and Sterling looked sick.

"Clarke! We could use you in here, your friend is going mental!" One of the older doctors called.

"Who? Monroe?" Sterling said hopefully.

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