Chapter 10: The Art Form of Admitting YOU'RE WRONG

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Chapter 10: The Art Form of Admitting YOU'RE WRONG 


Still in Trenton's embrace, I could smell his musky yet fruity scent and I took a deep whiff of his cologne. 

"Did you just sniff me, Miss Avery?" Trenton asked, still keeping me in his embrace. 

"Pshhh. I was only wondering what the god awful smell was." I replied.

Before Trenton could respond, "I am just checking in because it is a little too quiet....Holly Shit! I knew it. Look at the two of you cuddling each other." Keegan spoke entering the room without knocking. 

It was like another bucket of ice cold water was poured on me because I pushed myself out of Trenton's arms so fast that I ended up knocking into the desk behind me. 

"Mother fucking cunt muffin" I yelled because I hit my ass pretty hard on that desk. 

"Cunt Muffin?" question Trenton with a smirk. 

"Yes, cunt muffin, and I better not hear you stealing my word!" 

"Trust me, cunt muffin, will be yours, so no worries." Still smirking. 

"Thank you, I was afraid I would have to have my "thugs" beat you up again" I flashed him a smirk back. 

Trenton hesitated and I could see his Adam's apple move "that wouldn't be necessary, Miss Scarlette Avery."



"Is no one going to talk about what I just witnessed. I interrupted the two of you in a lover's embrace and now you guys are acting like nothing happened. I mean come on guys! I'm pissed that Avery pushed away before I could capture this moment because there is no way in hell anyone will believe what I witnessed." Keegan boasted. 

"It was nothing really, Kee. We had a moment and it passed. There is nothing to analyze here. Just think of it as a truce." Trenton responded. 

I won't admit out loud that Trenton saying it was just a moment and it passed really did hurt. Him saying it was nothing, when to me it was everything? "Yeah Keegan, it was nothing" I finished with a shrug to mask the pain I was feeling. 

Damn it Trenton! Fuck feelings!


After Keegan left, Trenton was acting weird for some reason. Did he regret the moment we had or is he ashamed of being in that close of contact with me? I'm trying to forget what happened but working so close to Trenton, it is a constant reminder. 


I looked to my right and Trenton's face was right there. "What?" 

"I did not mean to say that it was nothing. I was just trying to get Keegan to go away." 

"Why are you telling me this? I also said it was nothing."

"Did you mean it?" 

"Did you?" 

"I just admitted that I did not mean it!"

"Oh, well what if I also did not mean it? What would happen?" 


"Well, What?"

"If Keegan did not barge in, I do not think I would have let you go." 



"Why are you being so nice and sweet to me? We hate each other, people who hate each other do not hug each other the way we did." 

"Who ever said that I hated you?"

"Isn't it obvious to the way you treated me when I worked for you! God you are so fucking confusing!" 

"Ahh, now the swearing comes out. I never hated you, Avery. I am sorry if it came across that way but I never ever hated you." Trenton looking more vulnerable than ever. 

I broke eye contact and looked down at my watch. I think now would be a great time to go to the restroom. I started to move towards the door, "Where are you going Avery? We are in a middle of something here!" Trenton yelled

"I have to pee!" With that final sentence I bolted out of that small room. I am no coward but what Trenton was talking about how he never hated me was getting too much for me. 

I was half way to the restroom when I felt a strong hand grasp onto my arm pulling me to the side.  Looking to see who is responsible for my capture, Trenton's blue eyes were boring into mine. Before any words left my lips, Trenton smashed his lips onto to mine. With just one kiss, I was in heaven and I never wanted this feeling to go away. 

Trenton's right hand started to caress my cheek before deepening the kiss. With his left hand kept trailing up and down my waist keeping me in place. I do not know what over came me but I through my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his dark brown hair and kissed him back with all I had. Maybe this was a sign that I do have feelings for Trenton and I was wrong. I am not in love with Trenton but I am pretty damn close if he continues to kiss me like this. 

Trenton slowly started to trail small kisses down my neck while I was trying to catch my breath. I pulled his head so now he is looking into my eyes. I had to see his eyes and see if this was true or not. 

"Why did you kiss me?" 

"Why did you kiss me back?" Trenton smirked. 

I stepped back and through my arms in the  air and then resting them on my hips "God Damn it! Just tell me!" 

Trenton smirked and took a step closer to me caging me against the wall "I really don't know why I did but I am glad I did because I have been dying to taste those sweet lips of yours." He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed my cheek. "Now its your turn." 

I took a deep breathing trying to control my anxiety that was starting to bubble up. Like sensing my distress Trenton grabbed my hand and started to smooth his thumb over my palm. "Ummmmmm".

"ummm what Avery? We have both been blinded by our denial to see what is right in front of us. It wasn't till you left and went to work for my father is when I knew I fucked up on something that could of been great. I would try to ask without to much suspicion on how you were doing. You were right, my new assistant is nothing like you and I missed seeing you everyday. Please say something Avery, I am not used to putting myself out there but for you I will do anything to gain your trust." 

Without thinking I through my arms around Trenton's neck one more time and pulled him into a simmering kiss. I put everything I felt for him into that kiss, I even bit his lip to punish him for being a douche. Trenton pulled me in closer and backed me up against the wall and he too let everything out. It was magical and it was a start of new beginning for us. And yes I said us. And I was wrong to never think there would ever be an us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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