Chapter Nine: The Art Form of the River of Denial

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Chapter Nine: The Art of the River of Denial

:::Avery's POV:::

I can't believe that I actually agreed to do this. I just can't wait to go home and drown myself in Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
When I finally get home Rainey is doing yoga in the living room while Nala isn't home yet from work. As I make my way to the kitchen the door to our apartment is thrown open and in comes the boys, Toby, Mark, Danny, Zane, Skylar and Tyler barge into the room.

"Honey I'm home!" Skylar yelled.

I came out of the kitchen with my hands on my hips wondering what the fuck they are doing here. We don't have anything planned tonight. "Um can you guys tell me why you guys always fucking barge into our apartment like you were raised with no manners? And tell me why the hell are you guys here anyways?"

"We can't just stop by to see are best friends?" Tyler responded acting like I just stabbed him in the heart.

"Shut up Tyler can't you tell that she is already mad?" Mark said.

"I am waiting for you guys to tell me what the fuck you guys are doing here?"

All there eyes were looking at Danny who was trying to avoid eye contact but it failed miserably when he finally caved. "Fine I will tell you, I got a text from Keegan Peterson during lunch saying that you were picked to be apart of his and Trenton's new business venture. I texted the guys telling them and we all agreed that after work we will check on you to see if you are okay." Danny finally confessed.

"What the hell? Are you and Keegan now Besties or what? And tell me why the hell Keegan texted you at all about my personal business with the company? Plus what the fuck are you guys barging in again! Manners, did your mommas teach you any?" I huffed out.

"Well Keegan and I hit it off at the banquet and we exchanged numbers. I was as shocked as you are that he would text me that but I'm glad he did because we all know that your stubborn ass would not have told us until you are sitting in jail for murder charges. But you should know that we all love you and we are just concerned about you Avey." Danny said.

I mean how can I be mad at them being concerned about me?

"Aves do you think this is a good idea to work with Trenton so close? I mean I hate the fucking bastard and I will beat the shit out of him again if he hurt you Aves." Zane spoke out while walking to the frig to open a beer.

"Why don't you just help yourself?" I muttered sarcastically.

"I just did Aves." Zane smirked back and I just flipped him off.

"I think this might be a good opportunity for Avery because she actually gets to do what she loves and she gets better pay grade. The only set back is working close with Trenton but we all know she can handle herself around him. Avery is a big girl and she can take care of herself." Mark the voice of reason said.

"I agree with Mark but Avey needs to get her ass out of denial with her feelings towards Trenton. I witnessed first hand and I am agreeing with what Skylar and Tyler said awhile back. I mean he has it bad but does not know how to act and Avery is dense as hell when it comes to the opposite sex." Danny added.

Everyone was waiting for me to respond but I am just to frustrated to respond. Why is everyone telling me to stop denying my feelings for Trenton. The only feelings I have towards him are hate. I mean once upon a time when I first started working for him I developed some feelings for him, but they all went a way when I discovered the real Trenton. I am 100% sure that those once upon a time feelings disappeared, right?

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