Stressed Out (Thomas)💜

Start from the beginning

   "Y/n? You paying attention?" He asked, waving his hands in front of my face.

   I blinked. I got lost in thought a lot while trying to focus on school things. Especially on super boring school things like science homework. "Uhhhh... Totally." I weakly said, smiling sheepishly.

   He shook his head, chuckling heartily. I was a terrible liar and it always amused him when I tried. "Break Time! Get dressed in something other than sweats. I'm going to take you out for lunch." He stood as he spoke, then went to wait in the living room. I pushed my hair out of my face and clipped it up. Even though I'd only
done it to free my fave of the messy strands, it looked quite nice actually. I was impressed. I took my shirt off and put a cardigan over the tank top I had on. I slipped into some jeans and then shoes. I looked in the mirror, and was pleased to see I looked pretty good for someone who hadn't gotten any sleep last night and had been cramming all morning.

   I walked out and heard laughter. I looked around the corner and saw Thomas on the couch with my mom talking about something. "She did? Really?" My mom asked.

   "Yeah. It was so cool! She had this last second burst of speed and we were all like 'woah!' She got over the finish line and fell flat on her face. I was like 'OH CRAP!'"

Immediately I flashed back to the race in PE about a week and a half ago, and my face turned pink in embarrassment. "Hey!" I exclaimed, popping out and interrupting the conversation. No need to give my mom ammo against me for guys. She embarrassed me enough without it...

   "Ah, you ready?" My mom asked, catching her breath still. When she looked over, her smile stayed just as bright as she took me in. "You look really pretty, hun!"

   I pushed a small piece of hair behind my ear. "Aw, thanks mom!" I looked over at Thomas. He seemed to be a bit dazed, looking at me. I waved my hand in front of his face like he had for me earlier. "Paying attention?" I asked. He blinked hard and we both laughed.

   "Uhhhhh," he mimicked purposefully bad. "Totally."

   "Break time! We need some lunch," I said in a deep voice, making a face, mocking him in return. He pushed me playfully and I laughed. "Come on, Blondie," I said, rolling my eyes.

   "We'll be back soon," Thomas told my mom. "We're going out for lunch."

   "Be safe!" My mom called after us.

   "Okay!" I shot back. I went to open my door so I could get into the passenger side of Thomas' car, but he cut me off and opened it for me. I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

   He gave me a look that silently asked, what? "I can be a gentlemen if I want," He said, shrugging.

   "Okay weirdo," I brushed off. I slipped in and he closed my door. He got in on his side and started the car. "Don't judge me too harshly but I am actually craving McDonalds. Not even joking."

   He shot me a disgusted look. "Ew!" He groaned.

   Another laugh from me. My mood had risen drastically from what it was earlier. I never stopped smiling when Thomas was around. "Okay," I conceded. "How about Jack In The Box?" I leaned my arm on the window, looking over at him.

   "I almost lost faith in you," He sighed, dramatizing his relief. I rolled my eyes. "Jack In The Box it is." As he pulled out of the driveway I put on my seatbelt and he slipped his on too. I clicked on the radio and we goofed around a bit as I danced a little in my seat, moving to the music. When we got there Thomas pulled into a parking spot. I didn't even bother to move. I was proved right as he slipped out and went around to open my door without even hesitating, as if this was what we always did.

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