Chapter 1: Meeting A Greek God

Start from the beginning

Sebastian watched as the woman turned her back to him and ran. With the look of disappointment clearly on his face, he made his way home farther away from the quiet shop that stood on the corner. Where no one ever paid him any attention, he liked it like that. He hated being the center of attention wherever he went, but the people down here either didn't care; or didn't know who the man was, he felt the same way.  He didn't care who you were and did his best to stay out of others way; and keep from socializing.  Yet he's breaking all of his rules for the black haired and brown eyes of a woman named Naomi.  The question bouncing around his head, why?  More importantly will he see the goddess tomorrow?  He hoped so.

~The Next Morning~

Naomi was unsure of what to do, she could not tell if she wanted to go or stay.  She had went to the shop everyday since moving here 3 years ago; so what's stopping her from taking a step out the house now?  Surely it's not the man, it can't be.  No one has ever had that effect on her in such a way, how could someone that she barely talked to have an effect on the heavily guarded woman.  It scared her that someone had indeed took a piece of her wall down, but at the same time it excited the woman; in more ways than one.  So she thought it through unknowing what was going through the mind of the man named Sebastian.

He got dressed in a hurry, excited to see the beautiful Naomi today. He didn't know if she would come today or if she was as excited to see him as he was to see her. He was so consumed with his thoughts that he didn't hear his front door open, didn't hear it close and mostly definitely didn't hear his best friend walk up behind him.

Now this is not like my friend, Jeff thought to himself. He would have heard me and would had said a greeting, not once in all these years have I been able to sneak up on him.  So instead of scaring the man, he simply sat down at the island bar and called to his friend.  “Sebastian, Sebastian..... SEBASTIAN!” Startled Sebastian jumped and turned to face Jeff, who was laughing so hard he could barely stay in his chair. “You should have saw your face, it-it was priceless.  Man I wish I had a camera so I could put this in your baby book.” Angry at his friend he simply ignored him and walked to his door to put on his shoes. “Okay I get it, I’m sorry.  Though friend what has your mind today?” He knew he could tell Jeff and not have it out to the press.  For all he knew nothing would come of him and the woman from the shop.

So he turned and faced his curious friend. “A woman.” Was all he said, he knew if he said more it would sound as if he took in every detail of the beauty and between him and his mind only; he did. His friend smiled at the man.

He put a hand on his shoulder, “Tell me about her?” He wanted to, Sebastian's eyes wandered over to the clock. He still had a good hour before she would be there.

So he nodded and led his friend to the couch, “She has these beautiful brown eyes that sparkle, long black hair with red streaks. Her skin is a light chocolate.” He was describing her as if she sat in front of him. “She's not tiny, nor is she huge. More thick, her lips are full. Her nose is like a button. From what I can tell she loves books to the point she does not know the surroundings around her. She is truly a goddess Jeff.” His friend looked at him.

Yes he has fallen in love, with her looks; I hope it's with her personality also then maybe he can finally be happy. Jeff thought. “I am happy for you man.” His eyes shine with true happiness and honesty. That made the man smile.

He looked towards the clock and back at his longtime best friend, “Thank you man. I will talk to you later, I am going to go see my beauty.”  He got up and put on his suit jacket and headed out the door, hoping that the beauty came to the shop today.

His friend followed him, out the door, to his car, in the passenger seat. Sebastian looked at his friend with a raised eyebrow.  “I'm coming with, I won't sit with you. I'll be a few seats away and I promise to keep quite.”    The look in his friend eyes was telling him that he was not going to give up.

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