"Why are you so happy?" I asked him, and then realized it probably came out a little rude.

I was about to apologize before he stole the cereal box out of my hand as I was about to pour some into a bowl for me. He smiled innocently as I glared at him. "Cause I like sleeping with you," he winked, answering my question.

My eyes widened a fraction and I gulped, "Oh, Uh...um, er..."

He stopped pouring cereal for himself and looked at my stunned face. He chuckled, his blue eyes sparkling. "You're so cute, Cupcake."

I glared at his teasing tone, "Pass me the cereal, you fatty."

"I'm not fat! I'm muscular!" he defended himself.

I snatched the cereal box from his hand and started pouring myself some. "Mhmm, whatever you say, Loverboy." I looked up at him and laughed. He was poking his stomach, as if checking for firmness.

"See," he poked his stomach again and looked at me smirking, "it's all muscle, baby."

"You sure?"

"I'm pretty sure!" he exclaimed and went back to poking his stomach.

Looks like he's not always so cocky.


"Noah, move!" I yelled, trying to get into the pool room, but he was blocking the entrance. "Noah! We have to practice! We have three weeks left and not a single move down! Come on!"

"Cupcake, we both know we'll have all the moves down my next week. Stop worrying so much." he answered smoothly.

I stepped back a few steps and then ran and pushed into him as hard as I could. He stumbled a little, but then he regained his footing.

After trying the same tactic a few more times, I decided to take a different approach. "Ugh, Loverboy! Stop blocking the entrance with all your flubber!"

He turned around swiftly and since I was still pushing, I fell into the pool room.

Once I got off the ground, I turned around and watched as he took his shirt off. He took my hand in his, but I was too busy lusting over his beautiful body to protest.

"See, feel it!" he put my hand against his bare chest, making my skin tingle, "There is no fat! Only muscle!"

Oh god, the contours of his chest were very nicely defined. And very yummy.

I looked up into his face and I noticed his very big arrogant smirk back in place. He leaned into my ear and whispered huskily, "I told you, Cupcake, only muscle."

I involuntarily leaned closer and didn't even notice that he had let go of my hand. However, I didn't pull it back, and instead I let it roam his stomach and chest. He groaned.

All of a sudden I was splashing in the water. As soon as the initial shock was over, I swam to the shallower side. I got out, dripping wet with my clothes clinging to me uncomfortably, and mad. No, not mad, furious.

"What the hell, Noah!" I shouted as soon as I was standing right in front of him, "Why'd you push me into the pool?"

He smiled wide and innocently, as if he hadn't just randomly pushed me into my biggest fear. "I was seeing if you could swim."

"You were seeing if I could swim? I could've died! I could've drowned! I could've-" my seething words were cut off.

"But you didn't." he replied calmly, still with a smirk on.

I was taken aback. I hadn't even noticed that I didn't flounder around uselessly in the water. Swimming came so naturally that I didn't even realize I was doing it.

"You could've at least given me a bit of a warning." I grumbled, even though I was very appreciative.

"Like I said the first time I pushed you in, it would've ruined the surprise element. And I kinda wanted to see you wet." he admitted the last part while roaming his eyes lazily over my body.

I blushed a little but then rolled my eyes to make it seem lime he didn't affect me, "Whatever, let's start practicing."

He turned around and started walking towards the dance room, me behind him. But before he even took two steps, I grabbed his wrist, "Noah?"

"Hm?" he turned halfway.

"Thanks." I smiled and reached on my tiptoes to peck his cheek, but he turned his head a little more to the side, not knowing what I was doing. And our lips gently, very gently, brushed.


I am terrible sorry! I have really bad writer's block this time! I Had these things in my head, but I just couldn't write them down! And I know this chapter is awfully short but the next upload won't take another month!

Anyway, 350 votes and 150 comments! :D

Quote of the Upload 

"To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded." 

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

(that's not actually a quote, it's part of the poem 'What is Success?' I just loved this part)

Song of the Upload 

Without You by David Guetta ft. Usher


(P.S. Check out the trailer!)

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