"Red Metal" -FACE family-

Start from the beginning

Alfred and Matthew. Their stories mysterious to everyone but themselves. Their stories connected to each other. A story that Arthur and Francis longed to hear but had too much consideration to not directly ask them for it.

"Alfred," Arthur spoke softly, causing the American to jump a bit, "Um, want to play a car game? We always played those when we drove to world meetings." Matthew blinked, turning his head a bit to listen and look at what Alfred's response was.

Alfred looked over at Arthur and nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, sure. Let's play. Yeah."

Arthur smiled back, keeping note at how his voice was a bit uncertain as he agreed. "Alright. Do you want to play I Spy? That was always fun."

Francis smiled a bit as he recalled the past memories of their family car trips. At times when he would force them all to spend quality time together and go on vacations they would always pass the time with a fun car game. Of course, it took a while to get games started since there always was arguing on who chose the game. Seeing how there was no arguing now was another odd thing to keep a note on.

"Okay.. I like that game.." Alfred mumbled, licking his lips awkwardly. He looked outside, his eyes clumsily looking at what was visible. "Um, I spy.. with my little eye.. something tall and green."

Arthur looked outside to find what Alfred was hinting at. His clues were quite easy and semi direct considering the only tall green things were the trees around. Arthur could've easily asked a harder one, and that's something Alfred always did. They would ask each other the hardest ones they could think of in attempts to stump the other. That competition didn't seem to matter now.

"Is it.. a tree?" Arthur guessed, pretending to actually not completely know. Alfred chuckled quietly and nodded. "Yeah.. You got it."

Matthew didn't turn to watch his brother but he kept his ears in tuned to the other. Francis noticed this, wondering why he was so observant of his brother. Sure, the two always were aware of each other but Matthew seemed even more. Now that he thought about it, Francis always saw the Canadian by Alfred's side and if he wasn't he was keeping a sharp eye on him. It was as if he was concerned for his well being 24/7.

"Do you know how far we are from Berlin?" Matthew questioned out of the blue, keeping his main focus on Alfred.

Francis looked over at him then at the map on the arm rest to his side. "We aren't too far. Maybe three hours if we continue going at this rate. We might be delayed if we run out of gas, but with what we have now we'll get a lot of ground covered." He noticed Matthew nod shortly as thoughts were quickly made. He could tell he was thinking because his eyes weren't focused on the road before them but merely stared at it with no thought relating to it.

"Okay, just making sure." Matthew responded after a moment, taking a look at the map himself.

"Don't worry." Francis assured, giving the other a little smile. "We'll get there. I promise." The smile wasn't returned. But what was exchanged was another nod and sigh. The Frenchman's smile disappeared as he furrowed his brow slightly as he thought about Matthew. He would always return his smiles, always. There never was a time where he never gave him a smile back.

Arthur and Alfred continued to play the car game, Alfred doing it with such beginner's skill and Arthur playing along whilst observing him. He came to notice how playing the game with Alfred was much like playing a game with a toddler. Everyone knows when you play with a child you make the easiest problems seem hard just to make them feel like they're smart and great even though they aren't. It's like a grown man letting a child win at arm wrestle to make it seem he was better and stronger than him. That's how Arthur felt with Alfred. The other was so easy played and had the faintest demeanor of a child.

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