Eugenzel (Homecoming ask)

Start from the beginning

"I love it." I sighed.

"So, would you like to eat?" Eugene asked.

"Yes! What are we having?" I asked.

"Bon appétit!" Eugene said, lifting the silver cover. He revealed a bowl of hazelnut soup.

"How did you know is was my favorite food?!" I asked amazed.

"I remember you having that on the first day of school. Most people pick things they're comfortable with when they first go somewhere." Eugene answered. I started eating my soup when I decided to keep the conversation going.

"What are you having to eat?"

"I'm having pasta."

"What kind?"

"Fettuccine Alfredo. Want to try some?"

"Sure, you can have some of my soup if you like!" I said. We traded plates. I tried Eugene's pasta and it was delicious!

"So, how's the pasta?"

"Delicious! How's the soup?"

"It's actually really good!" Eugene said surprised. We traded back and finished our meal.

"So when are we going to the lake?" I asked noticing it was getting dark.

"Soon, don't you want to stay here a little more?"

"Okay!" I exclaimed. We walked around looking at all the flowers. I taught Eugene what each flower was called. After about a half hour I couldn't wait anymore. "Can we go to the lake now please!" I begged.

"Okay, okay we can go now." Eugene said giving in. We laughed all the way to the lake when I saw a boat. It had lights hanging on its sides.

"Are we going on boat ride?" I questioned.

"Yupp, so get in!" Eugene exclaimed. We rode out to the middle of the lake. The lights around our boat glistened on the water. There were fireflies floating all around us. It was just Eugene and me.

"Eugene, this night has been so wonderful!" I exclaimed. I noticed he started to get a little nervous.

*Eugene's POV*
I started to get a little bit nervous thinking about asking Rapunzel to homecoming. I wanted to make everything perfect.

"Eugene, this night has been so wonderful!" Rapunzel exclaimed.

"Actually Rapunzel there's been something I've wanted to ask you." I said nervously.

"What is it?" Rapunzel questioned. I cleared my throat and began.

"You're the best I've ever had and I won't be the same. Before I met you, everything I did was all for me, no one else. I never had a life worth living before I met you. You've helped me see the good in people. You've turned me from selfish to selfless..."

"Oh Eugene, you gave me a life worth living too, you've shown me all the good in the world. I was always taught that the world was horrible and that people would use me for my powers. But when I met you, you didn't use my power. Actually, you didn't even want my powers when you were hurt." Rapunzel interrupted.

"Rapunzel you rescued me from myself.." I started.

"No Eugene, we rescued each other. You saved me from that life in that tower and I've saved you from your life back home." Rapunzel said.

I grabbed her hands and looked deep into her big green eyes filled with curiosity and said, "Rapunzel, will you go to homecoming with me?"

"Yes!" She screamed, jumping across the boat to give me a hug. She giggled then pulled me in for a kiss. I was surprised at first but then fell in sync with her kiss. I rowed us back to shore and we walked back to the school with her head on shoulder and my arm around her back.

"So, did you like our date tonight?" I asked.

"Yes, it was wonderful! I'm glad you waited this long to make it perfect." Rapunzel said looking into my eyes. I walked her to her door and picked up her hair.

"Goodnight Rapunzel." I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight Eugene..." She whispered as she kissed my cheek. She opened her door and I handed Rapunzel her hair. "Sleep tight..." She said as she shut the door. I walked back to my room and sighed as I fell onto my bed.

"Someone had a good night." Jack joked.

"It was perfect!" I smiled.

"Did she like it?" Hiccup asked.

"No." I said.

"Then how was it perfect?" Kristoff asked confused.

"She loved it!" I yelled. I fell asleep that night to sound of Rapunzel calling me Eugene. I should tell them soon.

I'm dead. There was too much cuteness in this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Thanks for reading!

 Thanks for reading!

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