Cheater (Chapter Four)

Start from the beginning

I nearly beat his worthless ass right then.

Thinking fast I gathered my belongs and got out of there as fast as possible.

Mr. Renalds noticed me and said from behind me, "If you don't get back to this class and take your seat Miss. Milner that will be detention f-"

I nearly blew my lid.

"I really don't give a damn." I said as stormed right now, not ever caring one bit how much trouble I would eventually be in.

All that was on my mind was that I had to get away from this place, like immediately.

I can't believe that prick was cheating on me.


All I ever did was love him, with everything I had. But clearly that wasn't enough for him.

I thought he had cheated on me once but it turned out to be nothing and I felt horrible for thinking it possible of him.

Little did I know.

I felt like I've been walking blindly for the past few years.

Had our entire relationship been a big lie?

After I got a safe distance away from class I took a few seconds to breathe but I literally felt sick to my stomach.

I ran to the nearest washroom rushing to the stale and puking my guts out.

For about five minutes I was in the stale.

I honestly didn't think one person could vomit that much.

After my forehead was all clammy and I had the nastiest taste in my mouth. I walked out of the stale to rinse my mouth and wash my face.

When I was finally cleaned up, I slowly headed to my locker.

As I approached it the bell rang, I was getting my stuff out when someone randomly wrapped their arms around my waist.

This day was turning out to be one continuous bad thing after another.

What now? I thought

I had the urge to elbow whoever it was just for good measure, but I refrained ready to just let whoever it was had it.

I almost wish I had gone with the first plan because as soon as I was fully turned around their lips were on mine.

It was Joey.

My eyes went wide.

That's it!

I've had just about enough for one day. I think I've reached my ultimate level of anger.

"What. The. Hell—" I started then just left out a frustrated sigh.

I think I was actually so mad I could kill someone with ease at this point and not even regret it.

Just as I was about to really let him have it my beautiful saviour of a best friend Jennifer with Mayson hot on her tail turned the corner and rushed over.

They took matter into their hands analyzing the situation. I took this time to try and calm myself.

"Jen, please..." I said taking a calming breath, "get this cheating jerk out of my face." I spoke low but clearly letting all the venomous hate seep right into my voice.

Joey looked a little horrified and it was finally settling into his thick skull that I was in no playing mood.

Good, you no good cheating little...

Letting the thought go and grabbed my things from my locker.

Thank the heavens above this day was over.

I was headed to my car when I started to feel sick yet again.

I really couldn't take this roller coaster ride my body was giving me right now. I just wanted to go home sleep.

Climbing into my car I drove home for a well deserved nap.

At this point I was was sure of it that even Ghandi would have last his temper if he had to live my life right now.

I'm so over that loser, was my last thought as I drifted off to sleep.






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