8)A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)

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Jakes POV

I can’t believe I kissed him! I got caught up in the moment! He looks so much like Jess I just couldn’t help myself! I have to go over and apologize. But what am I going to say “Sorry I kissed you. Since I can’t have your brother I might as well settle for you,” yeah like that not douches.

Wait where am I? Nicks house? How did I get here? Well I might as well explain to him what happened. I walked up the walk way to the door and froze. Is that Zain? Kissing Nick?!

“Nickolas?” I whispered shocked. “Nick?” I asked again. He could hear me I know he could! How could he just forget me like that?! I know I don’t want him like that but still he would just move on like that?! I felt my eyes fill with water. NO! I am not going to cry I don’t like him like that! “Nicky?!” I know he would look up at his nick name. No he is not going to see me cry! I stormed off before he could but I knew he saw the tears.

I ran and ran the tears streaking my face. I wiped carelessly at my face. I kept running not even looking back I ran to an old house a few blocks away and hid inside. I crawled up into a corner into a ball and cried. Cried for all the bruises I have from Jess and Zain. Cried for the love I have for Jess. Cried for leading on Nick. Cried for knowing Nick will forgive me. Cried for my life!

 Nicks POV

I looked everywhere for him! I checked his house, the school, the park, his house again, and just walked all over our neighborhood trying to find him.

*Beep Beep*

“Nick what happened? –Z”

“I'm not sure. I haven’t found him yet :( -N”

“I really want to see you –Z”

“I can’t right now, not till I find him –N”

“I know. I’ll call you tomorrow –Z”

I closed my phone and continued walking. I passed by an old abounded house and got a gut feeling he will be there. I slowly crept inside and looked around. I heard weeping from down the hall; I followed the noise leading me into a little girl’s room that seemed to have been burnt down. At first I didn’t see him but then I saw a dark figure shift in the corner, “Jake?”

“GO away!” he cried.

“Jakey!” I ran over to him and pulled him into my lap and just let him cry. “Jake what's wrong?” I asked softly.

“I-love-Jess-and-I-kissed-you-while-thining-about-Jess-and-i-am-such-a-terrible-person!” he rushed out all in one breathe.

“Jake it’s ok!”

“That another problem, you forgive me too easily!” he seemed to cry harder into my chest.

“Jake, that’s because you are my best friend! I can’t stand being mad at you!”

“Even if I used you?” he sniffed.

“But you didn’t! Jake I love you!”

“I love you too!” he sniffed and wiped his face.

“Are you ready to go home?” he nodded his head and I helped him up. We gradually walked back to my house and got my car then I drove Jake home. He was quite the whole time; he just looked out the window. We pulled up to his house and he finally looked at me.

“Thank you Nickolas,” he whispered then got out of the car. I watched him disappear into his house till I drove off.

I drove home and saw an angry Jess sitting in the driveway. Oh crap I forgot he needed the car tonight for some party!

A kiss with a Fist (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now