Writing Tips and Tricks!

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Say what?! It's Sunday already? Where has the time gone? Hello readers!! Shall we babble about the weather OR learn so really cool tips on making guy characters HOT in your stories and making girl characters awesome in your stories? Well since I'm writing this I pick option two!

Is anyone else tired of reading clumsy girls in stories? If you answered 'yes' then you should read the tips I'm about to give! IF you said 'no' then you should still read these tips!

Tips on making an awesome girl character:

1. Make the girl independent, she shouldn't need her man to come rescue her in every story, damsels in distress are good also but not in every story!

2. Give your character glasses or braces; it makes the readers able to relate to your character!

3. You don't always have to make the girl character 'girly' she could be sporty or nerdy, not all girls are girly girl.

4. She doesn't have to have a group of friends to surround her in every chapter of your book, Try to make her a cross between maybe sporty and nerdy, the choice is up to YOU the author!

Those are my top four tips for the gal characters!

Is anyone tired of the guy character either being 'the bad boy' or 'Mr. Popular'?

Well here are some tips for you on making him a cool guy:

1. He doesn't always have to be Mr. Popular or Mr. Bad boy! Jocks are so last season and WattPad's FILLED with bad boy novels! Make him unique in your own cool way as the author!

2. Give him a signature like maybe he wears a hat every day or a ring, describe him heavily in details so that your viewers have a pictorial image about how he looks!

3. Make the guy funny! In most stories that I have read the lead guy is not funny and I don't understand why not? Sarcasm is a good thing to add to your guy character too!

4. You're guy characters parents don't always have to be rich, not everyone is rich in real life, make him someone that has to earn money instead of having it grow on

Well those are my bright ideas this week! I really love writing these tips and tricks!! I hope that these tips will help you while you're writing!

Until next Sunday lovelies!!


Ta Ta For Now!

~Kaitlyn xx

Twitter: @spideyschick

WattPad: @teenwritergirl

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