Un-forgotten nightmares (sneak peek, maybe...)

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Depends on how everyone reacts, this might be a sneak peek for the chapter. If there are a lot of good comments or people actually respond how i hope they will, i'll update tonight

 It happened so long ago

I try my best to forget, but somehow i always remember

The looks on their faces when they fell

The sounds of their screams as they hit the ground

The sounds of their bones shattering 

The screams of mother and father once they were dragged into the darkness

It's moments like those you wish to forget

Those unforgotten nightmares

 "Is she awake yet???" 

 "Not so loud Sans."

 "I want her to wake up!"


 "Papy!!! Wake her up!!!"  

 "Sans you've got to be quiet!" 

 "Wake her up already." 

 "A-Alphys, quiet!" 

 "Wake up dude!" 

 "Papy! She's opening her eyes! Look!!!" 

If you want to hear my ideas please message me on my inbox, or you can be surprised idc

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