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Park Jimin just kissed my hand, oh my god! He is smiling at me with the cutest look on his face.

"My name is Park Jimin," Jimin said.

"My name is Rap Monster"





"Ya, do you know were our friend went. He is really tall with a deep voice and goes by the name Tae Tae," Junkook asked. As soon as Junkook finished his sentence, a very happy So-yeon ran over to me.

"Ya So-hyeon, guess what, I just saw Kim Taehyung!" she squealed.

"Where," a very happy Jungkook said.

"Jungkook, wow this day just keeps getting better and better," she said.

"Tell me where Tae Tae went," he said.

"Don't worry, he's right there," she said.

Tae Tae walked up and put an arm around Jin.

"Next time, don't let me eat so much cotton candy," V said.

"I told you that you were eating too much, but you didn't listen," Jin said.

Jimin got a message on his phone and said "Guys we have to go back to the studio."

"Aww alright, nice meeting you guys," So-yeon and I said in unison. They were about to walk away when Jimin ran back to me with a piece of paper.

"Share this with no one," he said as he gave it to me.

When I opened the paper, it had the groups phone numbers and the studio's address on it.

So-yeon point of view

When So-hyeon opened the paper that had all of the members phone numbers in it, I was squealing with joy. And so was So-hyeon, it looked like she was about to pass out, or that was that was the aftermath from roller coaster ride she went on a few minutes ago. Who knows, all I know is that I have Tae Tae's phone number.

"So-hyeon, are you ok?" I asked because she was silent for the longest of time. That isn't normal for her because she will never shut up.

"What, oh yea, I'm just fine," she said still in shock. Afterwards, we decided to go find a hotel to stay in until we found a house. We went to a hotel called The Plaza Seoul. We bought to share and went upstairs to go unpack our stuff. When we got to the room, I barely had time to remove the key from the door when So-hyeon went to go lay down on the bed.

"Ya So-hyeon, please don't fall asleep. We still have to look for a house and get some food," I said.

"I am not getting up. I have been awake for too long without a nap. I need one or I will get grumpy. And you don't want a grumpy person who is sleeping in the same room as you, or do you," she asked.

"Ugh fine, but next time you are helping me look for houses and food," I said while walking out the door.

When I got back with McDonalds, So-hyeon was fast asleep. When I shut the door, I shut it loudly so that she would wake up, but not too loudly. If I slammed it, she would yell at me. I sat down on the other bed and started eating, and bed headed sleepy So-hyeon looked at me.

"Why did you shut the door so damn loudly," she asked still half asleep.

"Because, you needed to wake up so that you could eat," I said. When I said food, she was wide awake. I gave her her favorite, an unsweetened tea with no ice and a buttermilk crispy chicken.

After we ate, I made So-hyeon stay awake so that she could help me look for houses that were in our budget range. We found some nice houses, but one in particular caught So-hyeon's eye.

"Ooh, I like that one," she pointed to a house that was light blue, that was two stories high. With a balcony on the second floor and a pool in the backyard.

"That is a nice house," I said.

"Alright, now that we found a house to look at, can I go to sleep now?" she whined to me like she was a three year old.

"Yes, you can go to sleep," I said.

"Yay!" she said as she hopped on the bed to go sleep.

When I woke up, it was 9:00 in the morning and So-yeon was still asleep. So I went to get breakfast for us.

When I got back, she was up and blow drying her hair. So I went to go take a shower.

So-hyeon point of view

After my hair was dry I went to go put on my sweatshirt when something dropped out of my pocket. It was the paper Jimin had given me yesterday at the amusement park. I looked at the paper until I found Jimin's name. I typed in the number sending him a text.

Hey how is it going?, sent from So-hyeon
Hey I can't talk ATM how about we hang out later and I will bring the group, sent from Jimin
Sounds like a plan, sent from So-hyeon
I put down the phone and knocked on the bathroom door.
"Ya, So-yeon, get your butt out the shower. I have something to tell you," I said.
About 20 more minutes she came out with poofy hair.
"What did you want," she said.
"Oh I just wanted to tell you that Jimin and I are trying to get the group and us to hang out!" I said.
We talked or awhile and decided to go do something. We decide to go swimming. So-yeon bought a black and white bikini and I bought a blue and black bikini. We went to the beach and swam. It was so cold, and the water went past our waist. At one point we ended up laying on the towel. We saw some familiar faces.
"We'll hello there So hyeon and So-yeon," V said.

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