Time is money

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I WAS ROUSED BY A LOUD RASPING NOISE. I OPENED MY EYES AND AN ARM WAS tossed over my stomach. I followed the arm to the culprit and found Louise attached to it. I gave a sigh of relief and sat up. Teddy was lying at my feet and Louise was nearly up my nose, she was so close. I looked around and we were still in the room at the inn on the master bed. A ruffling sounded behind me. I turned and found Jordan awake on the small sofa reading a magazine. I checked the clock on the table. It was almost 5.30. I squinted at the dial, sure that the time was wrong. As I picked up the clock, Jordan looked over.

“Glad you’re awake.” He put down the magazine and wiped his eyes.

“Did you sleep at all? What happened?” Stupid question. I’d seen everything that had happened. I just didn’t know how I got back here. So I rephrased the question.

“Well, after Red took Guko, we were left by ourselves. Teddy nearly had a nervous breakdown, so we gave her something warm to drink and she went to sleep. I told Louise that I’d stay up to wait for you. I think she trusts me now. She followed Teddy and you came shortly after. Red came back then told me to look after you then she changed. So I took you to the bed and laid you down. I thought it’d be better if you woke up next to them rather than in one of the single beds.” He gestured with his hand to the other room as he spoke and I remembered what had happened. I got off the bed and walked to the other room.

When I opened the door, everything was back to normal. The holes were filled, the cracks gone; even the summoning items and circle were gone, cleaned out of existence.

“What the hell?” Jordan mumbled. I smiled and knew that everything in the Light Realm was real and had happened. So Miss had cleaned everything up as she promised. I muttered a silent ‘thanks’ and turned back to Jordan. I looked up at him and admired his face for a moment; bags under his deep blue eyes, face unwashed, unshaven. My cheeks heated as he looked down at me. I thanked him for being so kind and told him he should get some sleep before the others woke up. He agreed and made his way to one of the empty beds. I kept the door open and grabbed the magazine he’d been reading: Science vs. Religion special of Which? magazine. Stupid name for a magazine. Why make the title such an indecisive question?

It made me think of meeting the Creator. So that was God. He was a She. To think, so many religions, based on fact and actuality, and really it’s all a load of bullshit. Well, I guess as long as you have something to believe in, as long as it gives you hope, I can’t argue with the fiction of it.

The others woke up after twelve. Louise grabbed me in a fierce hug and nearly made me spill my drink. I’d gone down to the woman at the desk an hour ago and asked if I could have some tea and if I was allowed to bring up our breakfast. She gave another grunt, so I took up the drinks and I brought up the breakfast afterwards: simple full English’s. I nearly dropped the tray a few times but managed to lift all four meals up to the room. That’s probably why the lady let me do it. I went into the other room to wake up Jordan, but he was already in the bathroom. So I let him know through the door and we sat down to eat.

After another hour, we’d packed and left. Jordan had to catch the bus with us because Simon had taken the car last night. I don’t think he’s ever taken a bus before. Either that or it had been a long time since he had done.

We’d gotten off at the last stop and we had to part ways with Jordan as he called a ride. I had to lend him one of my shirts because even though it was cold, he’d left his bag of overnight clothes in the car, just incase he was or wasn’t going to stay the night. I had the biggest dress size between the three of us, but he only used my shirt to cover up the wrinkles of the shirt underneath. I’d probably get it back in the mail, ironed, starched and looking like a box so my mum wouldn’t find out.

I just managed to stay awake in my exams after three all nighters. Then after another week of studying, I had one more exam before I finished. When I got my results back after a month or so, I’d just gotten a B in each subject, with a C and two A’s making my average an overall B. Now was another month of holidays, then preparation for college.

“So, Red. What do you think about my grades? I just managed to pull it off, don’t you think?” I said in my mind.

“Yeah, yeah, but I still don’t understand why you didn’t allow me to take the history test. I was there for most of it you know.”

“Look, I appreciate the help, but I don’t think the Board of Education would like me writing about how the Second World War was really won. They’d sack the teachers for teaching the students that Russia used a secret super weapon in the form of a red woman, to infiltrate Germany and threaten to kill Hitler if they didn’t surrender, then she did kill him and half of the German army in one blow.”

“Ah, memories.” Then we laughed and Jordan gave me a funny look. I told him it was just Red and he sipped his coffee. I looked out of the window at the passersby and Jordan placed a hand on mine. I smiled at him, his touch as warm as ever. I felt as if I could take on the world right now.

I picked up my coffee and started to walk out of the café, with Jordan on my heals. We were meant to see a movie and he’d obviously forgotten the time. He managed to stay by my side through the crowds and grabbed for my hand when a car nearly hit us. I looked up at him again and felt warmth run through my body. We slowed it down and just made it in time. Then I saw Louise and the gang smiling at me as I came through the theatre doors. They gave us a strict telling off and we just managed to catch the beginning of 'Kick-Ass'. Again I laughed and thought of everything that had happened and will happen.

Miss had told me that more demons would be coming for me, so I had my work cut out. Luckily I had a fire-shooting werewolf boyfriend protecting me and a demigod that I can simultaneously change into at will. Not to mention that I was soon to have my first change any day now.

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