The Talk

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RED HELD MY HAND AS WE PASSED THROUGH THE ‘BLACK SPOT’ IN THE LOUNGE, which she liked to call them. Black spots were a type of door to other places in the Light Realm, which is where she told me I had landed. It had a proper name, but everyone just called them black spots, sort of like animals. They have common referral names then the complicated name that came with it which was often in Greek or Latin.

After the third black spot, we appeared in a hallway with the same never ending landscape, but with two walls instead, flanking either side of us. Red was leading me down the corridor, her hand now at her side. She kept her pace fast then stopped.

We were stood still in the corridor and Red was staring into the distance of the infinite hall. After a few seconds the floor started to move and a wall was flying towards us, but Red didn’t move, like she experienced it all the time. So I stood my ground as well, taking a cautious step toward her.

The wall stopped moving and a small woman was sat in a chair. She looked rather old but then she shifted forms and took on the appearance of my mother.

“What the-? Mum?” I stepped forward but Red put her hand out to stop me. Red clicked her fingers and a table and two chairs appeared in front of my mother. I really had to know how she did that. She motioned for me to sit down on her left as she sat on the right, facing mum.

“I’m so glad to finally sit down. So, why have you taken this form this time?” Red smiled and looked at me. “This, Reed, is The Creator. She takes many forms but I think she’s just playing around at the moment.” She then directed the smile at the woman and she smiled back.

“Do you have a name I can call you?” I asked. The woman looked at me then and I could tell that she wasn’t my mother. She looked the same but I had a strange feeling when I looked at her like I shouldn’t be allowed in her presence. I dropped my gaze to her chin but asked again.

“Just call her ‘Miss’. She won’t speak, unless you want your head blown off. Ever heard of the Word of God? Sort of the same thing, but she talks more through telepathy.” I nodded and looked back at ‘Miss’. She stayed in the form of my mother and winked at me, which I took as ‘you can trust me’. Then Red explained that she took the form of my mum because she thought it would make me feel better. She said that’s what Miss told her, but I just nodded in agreement, saying it did make me feel better to see more than one familiar face. Miss smiled again, and continued to talk through Red.

“So what’s the matter? Why am I here?” Miss looked at me, then glanced at Red and gave a tiny nod. She looked back at me then words started to form in my head, like when Red talks to me.

“I’m pleased to meet you Reed.” The voice seemed silky smooth but the accent was strange. Sort of like English with a strange, whispery twist on the end of some words. She must have spoken other languages often to be speaking like this, or she barley spoke at all. It sort of complimented the voice itself, so I didn’t protest at her speaking. “I’ve been watching you, with Red and your friends. Such a coincidental meeting of many supernaturals. Good thing I leave events to chance most times. Free will and all that. And one of them happens to be defeating one of the most powerful human demon demigods. I regret making him sometimes, but I can’t exactly click my fingers and make him disappear. Anyways, I asked Red to bring you here for a talk and to answer any questions you may have.” She smiled again and looked me in the eyes. I decided to speak aloud, seeing how I wasn’t used to telepathy. I mostly talk aloud to Red so this shouldn’t matter.

“Well, I think you should talk first then answer my questions at the end.” Now her smile seemed genuine, touching her eyes, as if glad someone was talking normally with her.

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