V is for Virgin, & That's What I'll Forever Be: 13

Start from the beginning

"I wasn't watching only you." I huffed.

"So you admitted you were watching me?" He says in an amused tone, his dimples showing as he smiles- please no, help me resist my dimple fetish.

"Well, it doesn't mean anything, okay? Don't get too cocky." I replied nonchalantly, although my body language says otherwise- palms sweating, stomach churning, cheeks heating up, my head is even spinning.

"It's the truth though." He chuckled, taking another gulp of his yellow fizzy drink.

"Whatever," I sigh, looking at a distance.

"Ashton joined the league just yesterday." He says, "He's actually pretty good for a beginner."

I blushed, feeling proud of Ashton, smiling,

"I bet he's better than all of you."

I was expecting him to counter it with an arrogant reply or something like "I'm the best in football", but he didn't, which caught me off guard. He smiled, nodding his head.

"I bet he can." He laughs, taking another sip.

Okay, I'm so not used to this. Somehow- he's not even bickering with me about he's better than Ashton. He just agreed to it, which I find weird.

"Mmhmm." I replied, not knowing what else to say, fixing my gaze on the inside of the almost-empty can.

"Hey." He suddenly says, and I snapped to his direction, my eyebrows raising in confusion.

He pursed his lips for a moment, he even looks a bit distracted, opening his mouth then closing it again.

He scratched the back of his hair, and somehow- he looks shy- no, embarrassed even.

"I want to ask you out on a date."

Was that fireworks I hear? Or the world exploding?

I couldn't believe my ears right now- better yet, was my mind playing with me? Did he just ask me out on a date?

"E-Excuse me?" Okay, it sounded a bit rude but I was just so shocked and I was making sure that it's not just my head playing with me.

"Will you or will you not accept my invitation?" He shrugs, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"I- um-"

"You can say 'no', you know." He cuts me off, smirking.

"No, I mean- it's not like that... I'm just-"

"Surprised?" He interrupted, making me gape at him.

"Seriously? Are you reading my mind?" I laughed, punching his arm playfully.

"I might." He laughs back, and for the first time in my life- talking to him- not bickering or arguing about something- just laughing- and him not overdoing his cockiness- seems okay. I liked it, infact. His laugh is really comforting.

I was quiet for a moment because I was thinking- a date with Aiden? Didn't I wish of that before? Didn't I dream of that before? But there's this lingering question inside of me- who's the real Aiden? I'm confused.

"Look," He suddenly says, probably sensing me in deep thoughts, "I know we... had a bad start but let's start on a clean slate. I just.. wanted to get to know you more, you know? You seem like a good person."

"When?" I asked without hesitation, biting my bottom lip.

"You're agreeing to it?" He asked, his smile widening.

I nodded my head, feeling a little giddy inside. I know, it might not be a good idea- and if Lianna knew about this- she'd probably kill me but.. it's nothing, right? It's just a date. Nothing wrong with that. Simple get together.

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