May I Ask Who's Calling?

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   Liam and I hang out where other people don't see us.  We don't kiss or anything we just hang out but I can tell that he wants to kiss me really bad.

   I talked to Seth.

   Well....more like argued with Seth.  Seth isn't stupid and I know that.  Kat isn't stupid either so she told Seth and he's mad.  We argued for hours back and forth.  He told me that he can't believe me and that i've always been so sweet.  We yelled for a very long time the last thing he said was "What's wrong with you?"

   "I don't know" I whispered, and ran upstairs.  I looked back for a momment and Seth looked like he wanted to apoligize.  I knew he couldn't bring himself to.


   Liam is nice to have around.  Sometimes if feel like he's the only one that doesn't hate me.  That's probably true because even I hate me.  I got myself into a big load of crap and there's no digging me out now.  I thought I had to lie a lot before but now it's just out of hand.

   I was zoning out again.  "Yo? Syd! You're zoned out again" said Liam.

   "Oh sorry" I said

   "You don't have to put on a show, Syd, I know you're not "sorry"he said

   "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked

   "Because when you're zoned out or fantisizing he's still with you and you're sitting on he car sharing a milkshake" he said, "and I think you should make things right with Seth.  You guys both really love each other, I can tell, and even though you guys haven't known each other for a very long time, something must've made that bond.

   "But don't YOU like me?" I asked

   "I like you way more as a friend as I ever would a girlfriend,and I never want you to have the label of Seth's ex girlfriend" he replied

   "Thanks" I smiled

   "Well don't just stand here, go!" he said

   "Thanks Liam," I said then I walked...weeeelll I sort of ran out the door.  My phone vibrated. 

   Unknown number.

   Never a good sign

   "Hello, Syd" a voice said

   "May I ask who's calling?" I asked

   "I think you know very well who's calling" he cackled

   "The days in jail may have gotten you a little wonky in the head" I growled

   "I think the days without my step-son have gotten you a little wonky, or at least him" he said.  His voice was playful, like we were playing a game.

   "Enough games" I said "what's going on?"

   "Well my kind step-son decided to come pay me a visit.  He seemed kind of upset, almost as if he had gotten hit by a bus or something.  He was more sad than I had ever seen that boy in my who life, but come to think of it, he doesn't show much emotion at all.  Unless, it's something about you.  Oh I can tell by the way he looks at you, the fire in his heart, that kind of love only comes around every so often.  Unfortunatly I guess you never really cared about him at all.  I guess you're a girl who just isn't ready to settle down.  It's really too bad he risked everything for you, you spoiled brat.  After he chose you, you were all he had left.  Then you left him, so now he has nothing.  That's why he came to me, for a friend.  Something you just couldn't be for him.  You were off being the queen bee buzzing from flower to flower, never quite making up your mind.  It's really too bad that you aren't the girl Seth thought you were.  He saved your life and he was happy, but his mother wasn't.  Now that you've broken his heart, he's not happy.  It seems that the only happy one is you, but not for long" he said

   The tears were welling up in my eyes but my voice remained strong "Why not?"

   "Well, first I'm going to write myself a note to tell Seth you showed no emotion when told that.  So anyway about you suffering.  I've got some, let's say, helpers.  They have planted a bomb under your house with two of your precious sisters.  Don't try to go in, opening the door will only trigger the explosion.  The power in there is out so don't try calling the land-line and I had a special talk with Lilli's serivce provider, and I don't think calling her cell is the best idea.  Don't try Lindsay, we had a little chat, and I don't think she'll believe whatever you say to her" he said

  'Where's Seth?" I growled "and how are you calling me"

   "Oh Syd, I admire your tough attitude.  I am calling you from Seth's phone, yes I know how to not show the number when calling.  Don't worry about Seth, him and I are having some bonding time.  It's not just camping any more.  Oh, I almost forgot, your sisters.  You have 48 hours before the bomb goes off.  Not very quick, but more suspence and worry for you. Ta-ta Syd!" he hung up the phone.

I only have 48 hours to fix everything I just wreaked, but now my problems are bigger.

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