Why is Summer the Fastest Season?

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  • Dedicated to Seth and Syd the best couple EVER :)

   "They days of summer are going by too quickly" I said to Seth as we sat on top of his car sharing a milkshake (which is very hard to do on top of a car)

   "There's never enough time that I could have with you" he replied.  I kissed him on the cheak because he probably had milkshake in his mouth.

   After we finished Seth drove me home before Mr. H could get back.  As we drove back I remebered something that made me so guilty I could choke.


   I had hung out with Kat for the day since Seth was training at the agency.  She stepped inside for a few minuites and I was left out on the porch with Liam. 

   "So this boyfriend of yours, how long have you guys known each other?" he asked

   "He just moved here this year" I answered

   "How did you guys meet each other, I mean what are the odds that you met him right when he moved here?" he asked

   "We were in a lot of classes together so we really got to know each other" I answered.  That wasn't even the half of it.

   "So he was like your only friend?"

   "I guess", I answered

   "So how do you know that you really love him" he asked

   "I think i've made that pretty clear that I just know" I answered, I was begining to get irritated.

   "Maybe it's just because he was your only friend, but you've got new friends now" he said.  He leaned in close enough that our lips could've brushed each other's.  I quickly pulled away and told Kat that I got a text that I had to go home.  As I walked home I couldn't help but thinking maybe Liam was right.


   I was snapped back into reality just as we pulled into the driveway.  I gave Seth a long lingering kiss, and went inside.

   My phone buzzed, it was Kat, the text message read "What did Liam say to you???"

   I answered with a simple "nuthin...why do u ask???"

   My phone buzzed again "you left really soon the other day"

  I replied "yeah marie was getting upset about something and lilli didnt know what to do"

  "kk" she sent  back

   If only she knew the truth, but the truth would be too much for both of us to handle.  Her brother is in love with me, but I don't love him back.

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