"No he won't! You heard the doctor. He is a human and he is not my son." She spat at her husband.

"You need to choose, him or me?" The question came as a shock to us all, the Alpha who has stayed quiet until now sat up and gave my ex mother a wary look.

"I-he's... You know that I can't do that. You are my mate, my love, my life. But he is my son. He is part of you." My father looked like he was on the verge of his eye frantically flipping back and forth between myself and Maria.

"It seems that you have already chosen mate. I am your everything, you are alive because of me." She sent him a sweet smile and sent me a glare.

"We can try again, have a new son. Not a freak." She pulled my ex father into a hug trying to soothe him.

"Okay?" She sent him a breathtaking smile batting her bright blue eyes at him.

"Okay." He nodded and started to step away from me.

"Daddy." I said grabbing his suits jacket. He turned his head towards me and a flash of guilt went across his eyes before they turned colder than stone.

"You are no longer my son freak! Don't ever touch me again." He yanked his coat out of my grasp. And turned his back towards me.

"It seems that you have made up your mind Richard and Maria, now, what do we do with the boy?" Alpha Connor asked giving me a look of pity.

"Kick him to the streets for all I care, he is nothing to me." Maria gave the Alpha a shrug.

"Put him up for adoption in the human world." Richard told Alpha Connor. He shook his head and looked back at me.

"We can't do that. Like the doctor said he might actually shift sometime in the future and if he does we don't need him exposing our existence to the humans. So we need a different option."

"I have an idea." Maria said her eyes narrowed with a grin on her face in a sinister stare.

"Make him an Omega."

Present time.

The tears were flowing more freely down my face this time. I wasn't even twelve yet before my mother gave up on me. To her I was scum, to my father I was scum, to the pack I was scum. But I could have handled all of that, I could have lived with knowing that my entire family hated me. It was the rejection of my mate, my once best friend and the person who was meant to be my everything threw me to the streets and looked at me with like I was the vain of his existence. I stumbled to my feet, my body feeling extremely heavy. My head felt like it was being split open by a chainsaw. My eyes stung with tears that I did not give permission to fall.

Grabbing onto a tree branch I stumbled forward, taking slow steps but steps nonetheless. I got a few feet forward before the memory of what happened just a few hours ago came crashing back down at me. Pain filled my body making me fall down to my knees and bite my tongue to keep from screaming.

Few Hours Before...

"This place had better be spotless and decorated for James birthday party before we get back, Omega." The luna spat at me before delivering a quick kick to my ribs making me fall to my knees and grab my stomach. I didn't lift my head from staring at the ground as I nodded not meeting her eyes because she would have took it as a challenge.

Once she was gone I stood up from the floor and cleaned every room that the party would be being held in for James. Today was his birthday, it was also mine but that doesn't really matter. I was supposed to be cleaning and decorating the living room and the backyard, setting up tables in several shades of gold and white. Several other packs would be coming since it was James sixteenth birthday and this would be the day that he should find a mate.

It took me a few hours but it was finally finished. Everything was set up and decorated just the way that I hoped James would like. After double checking everything I walked up to my room and grabbed a change of clothes to go take a shower. I didn't dare take a long time like I used to and simply wet my body before scrubbing my body wash over myself and doing a quick shampoo and conditioner to my hair before drying off and throwing on the pair of clothes that I brought with me.

I might have taken a little longer than normal because James and the family was back by the time I got out of the shower. I quickly shut the shower door and was about to make a run for my room before I ran into a body and sparks erupted over my skin making me shiver and let out a soft moan. The most magnificent of scents infiltrated my senses and I leaned in closer to the warmth. I looked up into familiar hazel eyes of James and I felt happiness flow through me, James was my mate. I went to open my mouth but a growl from him made me close it. His eyes filled with disgust and hatred. He pushed me away from him and took a few steps back himself.

"The Goddess has gotta be kidding me, what kind of bullshit is this?" James practically hissed. He narrowed his eyes at me before a smirk crossed his face.

"I James Bloodmoon, reject you James Silverback as my love, my life, my friend and as my mate." Pain torn through me, making my knees go weak and my head to start pound. Tears filled my eyes before I could stop them and slid down my face. My throat clogged up and I couldn't speak no matter how much I wanted to. James gave me one last look before he smiled at me and walked away. I couldn't do it anymore. I can't stay here, in pack that hates me and a mate that doesn't accept me. I didn't have anything that belonged to me, just the clothes on my back. I wiped the tear from my eyes and stood up. Taking a deep breath I descended down the stair, out the front door and left.

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