~Chapter Seven, Two: Her Thoughts; Him~

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August 2X, 18XX.
9:53 PM.

Good evening Diary, this is Alice again.

This is my second entry during my time in the townhouse.

So earlier, after I brought Ciel's snack for the day, Sebastian called me out to ask me something.

He asked me if I remember everything now.

I told him no, but he just smiled and looked at me like he knows something.

I asked him if he knew something concerning me, but he answered rather cryptically. ("Oh, maybe I do, maybe I don't.")

I was getting desperate, you see. I wanted to know who was the person with the red eyes. And now that I think about it, Sebastian himself does have red eyes...

With my temper rising, I frowned at him and ignored him, which I knew was a bad move, bringing his mood down in the process (I think). I wanted to know, but Sebastian wouldn't tell me anything.

I gave in and apologised soon after I did that and excused myself to prepare myself for another walk.

It should've been obvious that despite my hate for my memories, I still want to learn of them.

That's why when we had gone out earlier, I was silent; he is too. I had felt Ciel's gaze, but I said nothing.


I just want to put here that I ate candies and played chess with the young master Ciel.

The sweets were a treat indeed! They were delicious! Even though I had been living with the good man for months, I had never tried them, and now I have!

The game was fun, to be honest. I had never played that serious before. He permitted me to talk to him like an equal would, and I fear I may have gone overboard. He told me it was all right though...

Was that the right thing to do? Talking to him like an equal would?

I still fear that he might be mad at me.

I hope he is not very upset. Oh, I would apologise if that's the case.

And I don't even know why I'm prolonging this entry.

Perhaps I just want to write about the young master...?

It's not like I have taken a liking to him, it's just that I just feel like it.


He's a good young master, I'd say. Though I feel like he has something that he is keeping too.

Like me.

I would never ask that of him, no. Let him tell at his own time. It's all right if he doesn't tell me at all, if he wants it.

Come to think of it, he did tell me of his past when we were at the candy shop. He had looked so fond... but then he paled and cold sweat ran down his face.

I understand why he asks questions about me. He needs the information. After the case will be closed, all the questions would stop, and I would be left to my own thoughts. But until that happens, I should cooperate. I could only do that.

... He talks like an adult.

He feels like an adult.

He is like an adult.

His hand was cold.

I wonder why that is?

He also feels familiar. I wonder if I had met him before?

Oh my, I should go. It's past bedtime.

I hope not to get nightmares.


I'll write to you again if something of interest happened.

I always write to you anyway.



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