~Chapter Five: Her name is 'Alice'; Day One~

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Dear Ciel,

     How are you? I am sorry to send this letter while you are working on the case I asked you to do, but I thought you might like a little help.

     I sent a maid named Alice to your household, and she should arrive in the afternoon. I figured your butler would like some help. And do not worry, she is not clumsy and she is not a troublemaker, as she is actually very helpful and kind when you get to know her more. Oh, and reliable.

     I guess I have to end the letter now, I hope you like her.

The Queen

     Please restrain 'little dream', I cannot have more nobles to be killed. Good luck!


I sighed and groaned. "Sebastian, make preparations. We are going to have company." It's just early in the morning and I recieved a letter from the Queen, plus she sent a maid here! But it's really suspicious, her name is 'Alice'. Could she be, by any chance, related to the murders? I sure hope so, to get any leads--

My thoughts were interrupted. "Yes, my lord." He bowed and left, and I was left to my thoughts once again.

I don't know where to start the investigation, the murders were flawless, as there were no evidences that points to a person. And there are things strange about it.

The first 'Alice' is a spade. When she died, she had the said card suit on the back of her left hand. There was a sword near her, as well as a cage and food (clearly from the Conchita menu) near her.

The second 'Alice' is a diamond. When he died, he had the diamond on the same location. Some music notes (the Marlon notes) nearby with a gun and some scattered money with blood on them.

The third is a club. She had the suit on the same location. A crown on her nightstand, with a clockwork doll and poison beside it.

The fourth was more confusing. They had the heart. A knife was found in the boy's hand, and two mirrors were stained with their blood.

The things near them had their fingerprints on them, which is really making my head hurt from thinking. I just hope this Alice is a connection to these murders.


She arrived half past two and she greeted us with a bow, not smiling.

"Good afternoon, I am Alice. I was sent here by the Queen's orders." She said simply. No surname?

"No surname?" I voiced my thoughts. She blinked at my question, seemingly surprised, but shook her head.

"I do not remember anything apart from my name and bits of my childhood, sir."

I shook my head slowly. How am I going to ask her about her relation with the murders? Instead of getting irritated, I only answered, "I am Ciel Phantomhive, the current head of this house. And this is my butler, Sebastian." I motioned to Sebastian, who bowed slightly.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Alice." He greeted. She bowed again.

"You can call me 'Alice', if you want." She said.

I decided we should talk in my study. Luckily, we didn't encounter any of the servants, she'll be introduced to them later.

Finally, we arrived at the study. I sat on my chair and Sebastian closed the door.

"Talk." I ordered. She took a breath.

"My name is Alice for as long as I can remember, but I have no idea of my last name." She looked straight at me. "And, if you are wondering, I know where the 'Alice' killings are based of. And that could be the cause of my death as well..." She trailed off, as she got a distant look on her, like she's remembering a memory.

Connection? Her death? I thought. She shook her head and continued speaking.

"I heard of the story as a child. It is a mix of the classic version, and it involves death. The title of the book was 'Alice of Human Sacrifice'." A book? I have never heard of such a book. "And I think the next one to be killed would be the 'Joker', then the 'White Rabbit', 'Cheshire Cat', 'Mad Hatter' and then the others..." She trailed off again and stepped back, as if she is done speaking. "I-I think that's maybe it? I do not know what the murderer is thinking. It may be possible that it would stop at the Joker, since the book did not really mention a Joker..." She mumbled. I raised an eyebrow at this.

I later found out she's an orphan, but somehow had a good life before that. After she explained herself, she left and Sebastian told me she looks familiar, but then said nothing more. That foreshadowing bastard.

I wanted to ask him about that but I told him to get me a slice of cake. I'll ask him some other time.

I still have 'little dream' to solve, and now I have Alice!

Just who are you two?

Or one...?

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