By the time they were done I was already back in my room playing with my Legos. I was bored though and extremely hyper. I wanted to do something but I didn't want to disturb anyone. I set aside the little figure I was holding and lay flat on my chest. I looked at my room.

It was a light blue colour with my bed being black. My closet was pushed to the far end of onside and my cupboard with games and toys opposite. I had two windows where I could look out and see LA which was really cool sometimes. My bed stood against a wall as well, right under one of the windows. The walls were covered in posters and pictures that I got from my dad's subscribers from when we went to conventions.

I really only had dad, Matt and Ryan. I didn't have many friends either because I spent so much time at home. Dad wanted to spare me the hectic of being recognized as his daughter so I had a tutor 3 times a week to help me get started for school which I will probably do at home as well.

My door opened and reviled Ryan. He had a plate of cookies in one hand and a glass of milk in the other.

"I thought you might want some." He explained sitting down next to me. I did indeed want cookies and ate one after the other. "So your dad, Sean, Matt and I thought we'd go out to dinner again tonight. Is that ok with you?" "Yeah I guess." I replied munching on the last cookie even though I was full. "Ok cool. You wanna change or keep on your outfit?" He asked next. What was it with everyone asking me questions lately? Something was definitely off. "Keep my outfit on." I reply going back to my Legos. I heard Ryan leave which made me a bit sad. I really wish someone would come and play with me.

As we sat in the car I held dads phone in my hand, playing a game. The drive took for ages and once again I was getting bored. Luckily I brought a couple of toys with me which kept me entertained.

When we found somewhere to park and had all gotten out of the car we headed down a busy street. There were tons of people everywhere and dad made me promise him not to let go of his hand.

We were about to walk into the restaurant when we got discovered by a group a screeching girls. It wasn't like I didn't like them but big groups of people always scared me a bit so I immediately took two steps closer to dad. He noticed my discomfort and picked me up.

"Hey sorry to disturbed you guys like this, but we're all huge fans. Could we maybe take pictures with you guys?" A girl wearing a light pink dress asked. "Of course." Dad replied. Dad handed me over to Sean who was talking to another one of the girls. I buried my head in his neck and hoped that we could go inside soon. "Aww she's so shy. By the way I love your videos." I hear her say to Sean. "oh thank you, that means so much to me and yeah she just doesn't like crowds I guess, we had the same problem at the convention, that's why she was barely ever with Mark when we were walking around, I guess." He explained. "Can I take a picture with you?" she asked politely. "Yeah sure. Luna can I set you down for 2 seconds?" he asked. I nod. He put me on the ground and leaned into the girl. I stood next to him hugging his leg as he did. Once the photo was taken he picked me up again and whispered a thank you into my ear. I smiled shyly and nodded.

When all pictures were taken and all hugs given we walked further down the street and entered a restaurant. We found a table and sat down. Everyone was taking about making videos and what other stuff they still had to record, so I just pulled out my toys and played around with them. I set them all on the table and pulled out a car from the bottom of my bag. I raced it back and forth on the table until I accidently pushed over my glass and spilled the content all over myself.

I broke out into tears, thinking I would get in trouble. But instead I was lifted up and brought to the bathroom. Dad set me on the counter and began to dry off my shirt. "Hey it's ok, accidents happen." He explained. "Good thing it was only water. And good thing we always bring spare clothes." I changed into a large blue shirt. We got the shirt from a fan a while back. It had a big picture of dad as a cartoon character on it. We walked back outside and saw that my place had been dried off. We sat back down just as the food arrived.

Dinner was yummy and I was glad we went out to eat. After everyone was done and they paid the bills, we walked outside. We walked back down the street to where dad had parked the car. We got discovered a couple of times and everyone wanted to take pictures. I was starting to get fidgety because I really wanted to go home. I wasn't tired or anything, I just really wanted to go home and play with Chica and Lego or watch a movie or anything else but I just wanted to go home. Of course I didn't say anything because dad explained to me how important these people are to him and all the good things that they do for him and that it was the least he could do for them.

We finally made it back to the car after what seemed like hours. I climbed into my car seat and put on my seat belt, almost. Sean helped me a bit.

The car ride home was quick, it felt quicker anyway, and I was changed into my pyjamas in no time. I walked back downstairs and saw everyone on their computers editing.

"Can we watch a movie together?" I asked walking further into the room. "In a bit ok? We just have to finish some stuff up. Go ahead and pick a movie." Matt explained. So that's what I did. I ended up choosing Peter Pan, since it was one of my favourite movies ever.

I waited for what seemed like forever until everyone was assembled in the living room. We started the movie and I was in awe. I loved it so much.

When the movie was over dad said that I could stay up for another hour. The adults all went outside, put on a little campfire and talked. I wanted to join them but I knew they were busy discussing important things.

I knew dad loved me and I knew he would do anything for me but sometimes I wished he would spend more time with me. I understand that making videos and putting them on the internet was hard work but I wish he could just take a break for a couple days so that we could do something together.

I waddled upstairs and walk straight into dad's room, climbing onto his bed. I pull the covers over my body and close my eyes.

It'll Be Okay - A Markiplier Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now