"Nah, Kid could never like Sam, because he still loves Hannah!" Patty smiles.

"What? N-no I don't! I don't live either of them!"

"Aww, that's a shame," Connor smirks wickedly making a blade stick out from his arm, "I was looking forward to threatening you."

I gulp and smile uneasily at all three. "You know what? Clothes shopping. Lets go." I march out of the door and here the giggles of all three of them. Why are my cheeks so red? Die down! Go away blushing cheeks! I can't get all flustered and bothered like this! I on't like either of them! I should be over Hannah, and Sam? I just...NO!

Ah, come on Kiddo~ You love Sam~  No...No I do not. You want to kiss her~ NO! Absolutely not! You want to hug her~ Protect her~ Make her yours~ Don't deny it~ Come on, admit it, you want to kiss those bright pink lips of hers, play with her maroon hair, spend hours upon hours with her, find out everything about her, care for her~ Love her~

NO NO NO! Of course not! Deny, deny DENY!

You can't deny it~


"Well there goes Kid being angry with his emotions." Liz chuckled.

"He likes Sam!" Patty giggled.

"Shut up Patty!" I yelled. The sooner this shopping trip is over, the better.


I'm by her side again. A few days ago, Patty, Liz Connor and I went on a shopping trip to get the necessities Connor and Sam might need. Extra clothes. An extra dresser. One for Sam's clothing and now one for Connor's. Excellent to make their room all the more symmetrical. 

Almost everything was black and white. There are a few coloured T-shirts and jeans here and there, with some having and asymmetrical twist to it. Although it grinds my gears, Connor said that everything couldn't be my way. Alas, I decided to suck it up and deal with it, with a roll of my eyes.

They now had things of their own and should have no need to steal my money to buy themselves some things which is a relief for me. No more surprises of opening my wallet and finding that a total of one hundred dollars has been taken out.

Also, on Samantha's bed, awaiting her return, is a small stuffed white bear with a red ribbon around the neck as a bow tie. Quite a cute thing, so I bought it and left it on her bed, and I can assure, that after it was paid for, I copped a lot of comments from the others. I'll leave what they said to the imagination. Whatever anyone comes up with is probably what they said. It was an endless list.

"Kid? How long have you been here?" Nygus asks as she enters the room. I shrug.

"Not long. Maybe an hour or so."

"Not long, huh?" Nygus laughs. "Well I guess it isn't unusual since you've been coming everyday."

Nygus did her regular checkups on Sam, taking blood pressure, changing the IV making sure she keeps hydrated, checking her heart beat to see if its still running steadily, and all that doctor stuff.

"Well, she seems to be doing fine."

"Is there any sign of her waking up?" I ask with hope filled eyes, but Nygus shook her head.

"She's still the same, I'm afraid."

Nygus left and I felt my body become heavy, and an uncontrollable shake took over me. My hands, legs body. Shaking ever so slightly. My eyes began to sting and nonsense thoughts rushed in and oput of my mind.

Why isn't she waking? Why... What's going on in her sleep? What if... She never wakes? Will she pass in her sleep? If she dies... So does everything my Father ever worked for... And so does my... My...

A Violation To Symmetry- Death The Kidحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن