I was called back fifteen minutes later and a nurse came to get me. She guided me to a room in a whirlwind of hallways. I sat down on the uncomfortable beds as she was setting up.

"What are you here for?" the nurse asked in a kind voice. Her thin lips turned to a slight grin.

"I want to donate a kidney for Jennifer Williams," I answered.

"Okay." She nodded, typing on her computer. "Do you understand the risks of donating a kidney and the affects it could have on you physically and emotionally?"

"Yes," I answered confidently.

"Would you like to do this anonymously?" she asked after she was done typing.

I thought about this question. I didn't really think about whether I could do that or not. If they knew, Lincoln would never forgive himself.

"Yes," I answered.

"Alright. Firstly, we're going to do lots of tests. Urine tests, blood tests, glucose tolerance tests, kidney tests, blood pressure monitoring, ECG, x-rays, and multiple others just to check to see both kidneys are fully functioning and healthy. We'll need to make sure your body can handle one kidney and you won't transfer anything to the recipient. We also need to make sure the rest of your body is functioning fully. And we also have to check for compatibility. Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked me one last time.


For the next few hours, I was given so many tests, I lost count after five. My body was fully functioning and turns out I was fully compatible. I'd just have to wait for the rest of the tests to come through in the next few days to make sure I was healthy then I'd schedule the surgery afterwards. I was thrilled but also scared to give Jen my kidney. But I know it's all worth it in the end.


When I got home, I told my parents what I was doing. They were very supportive of my choice. They were proud of me and I was ecstatic about their reactions. Now all I had to do was wait for the tests to come through so I could finally give Jen her life back.

A few days later, the tests came back. I was fine and everything was compatible. I went in with my parents to discuss when the surgery would happen. I pushed for as soon as possible. In the end, the surgery was going to take place on December 4th, a few weeks away. I was happy it was finally happening.

Hours later when I was finishing up some English homework, I got a call from Lincoln. My lips immediately formed a smile. I knew exactly what it was about.

I picked up and said, "Hello?"

"Belle, Belle!" Lincoln said, barely containing his excitement. I could feel his huge smile from over the phone.

"What?" I asked, trying not to give away I knew what was going on.

"They found a donor for my mom! She's getting a new kidney on December 4th! She's gonna live!" He exclaimed.

"Oh my god, that's great! I told you she'd be okay!" I said excitedly.

"I can't believe this is happening. I really hope whoever donated knows how much they mean to us."

"I bet they do." My smile got bigger.

December 4th, 2016. 5:00 am

I could barely sleep the night before. I was so excited to finally have this happening. It's been so hard keeping this secret from Lincoln. All I've wanted to do is scream, "I'm giving my kidney to your mom! It's me!"

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