my little flower

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She was nervous. I'm the only one that could comfort her.

It was around the time we started dating I found out about it. She was in Subway, ordering her regular sandwich. She started stuttering and tripping over her words like pebbles. Naturally, I grabbed her hand, but started rubbing my thumb on her palm.

She looked over at me and smiled out of the corner of her mouth. Her head turned back to the man behind the counter and continued to order her sub without any stuttering.

A few minutes later in the car, she said to me, "Sorry about my stuttering. My anxiety always gets the best of me." She stared down at her lap and twiddled her thumbs.

I leaned over, grabbed her hand and said, "Don't apologize. It's your best flaw." I kissed her on the forehead. She looked up at me with her big brown eyes and smiled.

When I learned about her anxiety, I tried the best I could to calm her down whenever it started acting up. If I couldn't hold her hand, I looked into her eyes and gave a soft smile followed by a nod.

During presentations whenever she started stuttering, she whipped her head over to me. I would always mouth, "I love you." She'd relax and continue on.

Checking out at stores, I would always scoop up her hand and rub my thumb into her palm. When we ran into people in town on a little stroll, she'd dart for my hand. I'd always massage her palm. It was our unspoken rule.

I loved her dearly and always did my best to show her.

At graduation, her hand reached for mine. We tried our best to hide it, but I still think the teachers saw. What was nice was they didn't say anything or make a face. They knew she needed me.

When she was stressed, I'd simply hold her close to me and rub my thumb on her hand.

The day we got our apartment together was memorable. I remember the way her eyes lit up when we got our key and she said to me, "You'll never get away from me now." I only held her closer.

When we bought our first house together, she pranced around the kitchen, dancing elegantly.  We danced all night long, enjoying the freedom.

At night in bed, I'd always pull her closer and kiss her forehead. Every night. And I'd rub her hand until we fell asleep.

On our wedding day, seeing her in that white gown almost made me tear up. She was so beautiful and ravishing walking down that aisle. When she got to the alter, we both reached for each others hands. I rubbed my thumb on her palm throughout the ceremony.

The birth of our first child wasn't long after that. I held her through the whole time. I cuddled in the hospital bed with her, rubbing her palms. "I can't do this, Sam," she said to me.

"Of course you can, Daisy," I said. "You're my little flower." I kissed her forehead and continued to rub those soft palms once again.

A few hours later, my little princess was born. Lavender. She was my other little flower. I held her close and rubbed her hands with the pad of my thumb. "I love you, my little flower," I whispered into her ear.

Lavender was so beautiful. She was the perfect mix between Daisy and I. She had Daisy's silky light brown hair and my bright blue eyes. She was a daddy's girl. Whenever I was doing yard work, I could always see my little Lavender running down in her pretty purple dress to help out.

When Lavender was four, Daisy and I had a wonderful surprise. She was pregnant again. When we sat Lavender down at the kitchen table, Daisy grabbed my hand quickly. I stroked her palm and kissed her forehead.

Romantic Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora