Chapter 15

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After my speech, many other young she wolves and Lunas came up and congratulated me on taking the role. Even the alpha of the guy I just beat thanked me. Apparently the guy was a total delinquent who mistreated women and had no respect. He was glad I could put him in his place. As I was receiving further congratulations, and getting many questions, some that I could not answer, I saw a group of young girls come up to me and tug on my dress.
"Um, excuse me miss luna," said the little girl who looked to be the leader said in a timid voice. I dismissed the current conversation that I was having and bent down to look at her.
"Yes sweetie?" I said in a kind voice. She looked back at her friends and they nodded at her.
"Um, We just wanted to give these to you." She said as she handed me some flowers. "We were going to give them to the ex-alpha but we think you're cooler." Awww, That literally warmed my heart a million degrees!
"Well thank you girls! May I ask what your names are?" I asked.
"She's Daphne, I'm Arabella, and she's Sydney, she said pointing to each girl as she went across.
"Well you three, If yo ever need to talk, or some boys are harassing you, don't hesitate to come find me, OK?" I said. They all smiled at me.
"Ok, we will. Thank you Miss Luna!" They said as they ran off giggling. I stood up and sighed. I was exhausted from dancing, mingling, and especially using my powers. I took off my heels, sprouted my wings, and flew out of the ballroom. I still had to meet with Daniel before I could actually head to my room. I flew down the corridors of the castle to my office, A.K.A, Daniel's old office. Man, having wings sure comes in handy at times like this. I opened the door to my office and flew to my chair, landing in it as my wings disappeared. I looked at Daniel, who was glaring murderously at me. Dang, he must be mad about my speech. Well I did embarrass him in front of all the packs. So much for my plan of having a fake happy relationship. Anywho, on to Daniel.
"So as you know I have now self proclaimed myself as Alpha as this pack. You may be-" I started, but was cut off by a snarl. Daniel sat looking like he was holding back from pouncing on me that very second.
"I WILL NEVER LET YOU BE ALPHA! I'VE ALREADY LOST EVERYTHING I HAD, BUT I'M NOT LOSING MY TITLE YOU BITCH." He yelled. He pounced. I grabbed his neck, and forcefully placed him back into his chair. I used my powers to keep him in the chair, sighing as I did so. I had had a feeling that there was more to his behaviour than just pure spite and arrogance, and judging by what he just said, my suspicions were confirmed. I looked at him and saw not a big bad wolf, but a man who had a secret that no one knew, and was struggling with the burden of it.
"Ok, spill, what do you mean you've lost everything. And don't try to hide it, I already heard about faith from anna, and based on what you just said, I'm guessing it involves that night you went out with her. The one who broke your heart.

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