Eight: I will personally kill you.

Start from the beginning

Red had been avoiding Jonathon and he was the only one who haven't seen her yet. She knew he was going to question her like crazy and she wasn't ready for him but when lunch time came by she knew she was going to have to face him and she was nervous.

And the period she was dreading the most came by immediately, she made her way to the cafeteria with Holly and Norman who were bickering about something but she wans't paying attention to it. The only thing she was thinking about was Jonathon. It was like her life was pretty much perfect and worry free but when Damon Cooper stepped in, within a blink of an eye, her life drastically changed.

Red and her friends took their food and headed to their usual table, a couple of students greeted her, she just said a hello and glanced around waiting for Jonathon to show up.

A couple of minutes later, she heard the chair next to her being pulled away, she looked up to stop the person from taking the chair because it was Jonathon's seat when she saw that it was Jonathon himself staring back at her with his mouth hanging in the air.

"Hey, Johnny" Red said, trying to cover up her nervousness.

Jonathon sat down, unable to answer her "I have been hearing rumors all day but... I didn't believe them.. Red what the hell happened?" he placed his thumb under chin bringing her face closer to his and checking the wounds "Ouch, that must have hurt"

Red nodded and started explaining what happened, of course, the lie.

"Really Red? You just fell off the small step and it caused you all of this? It looks like someone pushed you down and sat on your face until you got that scratch and that blue nose." Jonathon said staring at her suspiciously.

Red giggled at Jonathons' absurd imagination "None of that happened Jonathon, I just-" Red stopped talking when Jonathon's faced tensed and his fists clenched and he stared ahead of her. Red turned around to see Damon Cooper walking in with a familiar looking guy next to him. He was new to this school, she was aware of it but she's seen him somewhere... when it clicked.

The day when she walked in on Damon fighting some boys in the alley, he was the one that dragged her in. Leo.

Her eyes widened and she turned around hiding her face from the two boys. She fiddled nervously with her fingers when Jonathon furrowed his eyebrows at her "What are you doing?"

"Uh, nothing"

"Red..." Jonathon's voice trailed and angry scowl crossed his face "Did Damon Cooper do something to you?"

"No!" Red jumped up immediately shaking her head frantically when she realized what she's done. Everyone's attention was on her now and Jonathon was now absolutely sure that something happened with Red and Damon and he wasn't happy at all.

"Hey, its you! Red!" Leo pointed at Red "Damon, look!" Leo poked Damon and continued pointing towards Red. She groaned lightly and stared at the two of them, Damon turned to his friend and elbowed him in the stomach "I've been here for a couple of days you idiot, I know she's here"

"Bye, Red!" Leo waved at her and Red smiled and waved back forgetting that her friends were watching her interact with Damon Cooper's best friend, Leo Adams, Damon Cooper's second hand and also a part of his gang. Everyone knew him and feared him but Leo was less intimidating than Damon. He was friendlier but still no one even dared step close to the two delinquents.

Red glanced back at her friends with a grin but it faltered immeidately when she saw them all frowning at her.

"What?" She asked and they all started yelling at her. Red tried to listen to what they were saying but everything was jumbled up.

Red just stared at them with her eyebrows furrowed and a frown on her face trying to at least catch one word they're saying but they were all talking too fast.

The whole cafeteria were listening to them and watching as they yelled at Red.

Red couldn't take it anymore. She was growing angry and frustrated at her friends. She knew how to take care of herself and she didn't want them to stop her from doing anything she wanted to do. It was her life and her choices and she was going to put an end to this whether they liked it or not.

"SHUT UP!" Red yelled banging her fists on the table. They all went quite in an instance. Red never, in her whole life yelled at her friends or actually stood up for her self. She always followed what people said.

"Red, what you're doing is wrong!" Jonathon yelled and she glared at him "Just shut up! You can't tell me what to do and I'm not forced to listen. I don't care about what's good for me, I am capable of taking care of myself and I don't need you guys to tell me how to live my life. It is my life"

"Don't be stupid, Red" Norman said out loud but brought his hand up to his face immediately staring at Red who's face turned from anger to sadness "I don't like being called stupid. I'm not stupid!"

"But you're acting like one!" Jonathon said and stood up "We're trying to take care of you and you're lying to us and breaking promises. Red you've never done that not until that asshole came along" Jonathon pointed to Damon who was also watching them.

"Jonathon! It's not Damon!" Red yelled "Stop blaming everything on Damon, alright?!"

Damon stood up and walked over to them "Listen, I don't appreciate my name being brought up in this conversation. Why don't you leave me out of this friendship crisis of yours so that no one get's in trouble, alright?"

"No listen you son of a bitch" Jonathon growled and grabbed Damon's shirt "Did you do this to her?!" He asked pointing towards Red face. Damon pushed Jonathon away with so much force, he stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Jonathon! No!" Red warned when Jonathon got up and lunged at Damon, clenching his fists angrily. Damon dodged the hit easily and smiled "Is that all you've got, loverboy?"

Jonathon was about to jump at him again when Norman and Luke stepped in between. He held Jonathon back "Jonathon calm the heck down!"

Damon looked at Red who was staring at the two of them with shock "Hows your nose by the way? That punch you got yesterday was pretty bad" Damon said out loud,lying, trying to rile up Jonathon.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Jonathon yelled and fought to get out of Luke's grip when suddenly the most unexpected thing on earth happened. Norman punched Damon Cooper in the face.

"Norman!" Red gasped and so did everyone else.

Norman Brown the boy who never hurt a fly, just punched the most dangerous man in town. Even Jonathon stopped fighting against Luke's grip because he was just standing there with wide eyes.

Damon brought his hand up to his lip and pulled it back to see a couple of blood drops on his hand.

Damon growled and was about to punch Norman back when Red stepped in and glared at Damon "No. You are not hurting him"

"Get out of my way, stupid" He ordered but Red didn't move "Damon walk away"

"You wish" he spat at her and grabbed her shoulders and tried to push her away but she held her ground "You're not laying one finger on him, Damon, or any of my friends"

Leo appeared all of a sudden "Damon, let's go, you don't want to get in trouble"

Damon glared at Red "If you love your friends so much then where were they yesterday when you were nearly kidnapped?! Huh?" with that he turned and walked away leaving all the cafeteria with stunned faces and gasps.

Oh, no.


Ta daaa! Things will get better, I promise <3

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