~Chapter 1~

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   Dan groaned as he woke up to the most annoying sound, his alarm. He then slammed his hand down onto the night stand but missed the clock so now his had just hurt. "Great.." He mumbled still half asleep. He tried to hide himself under his pillow but, sadly the sound didn't magically go away.

   "Shut up!" He yelled at the clock before picking it up and throwing it across the room. He laid down again before clenching his fists together. The sound of his alarm still pestered in his ear.

   After another twenty minutes of annoyance Dan finally got up and turned off his alarm. Now he was getting angry. "I hate school so much." He growled as he got his light purple jumper of its hanger. "Why does it even exist?" He asked as he grabbed his baby blue jeans and his white flower crown off the shelf.

  "Are you up?" Dan's mom yelled from the kitchen. "Yeah!" He said loudly so his mom could hear him. Dan dragged himself to the bathroom and took about 5 minutes to change. As he came out of the bathroom he came downstairs to be greeted with breakfast.

   "Thanks mom." Dan said tiredly as he picked up his pancakes and eggs that had been served onto a plate. "No problem." She said as she served her own plate. They sat at the table together in comfortable silence until Dan looked at the time and sighed.

   He put his syrup filled plate in the sink and made his way upstairs. He went through his daily mental checklist to make sure he had everything he needed. "Alright time to go." He mumbled to himself, putting his white backpack over his shoulder.

   "Bye mom!" Dan said as he closed the front door behind him. He headed to the school in silence. Dan didn't really have any friends at his new school. That was one of the reasons this school was already really challenging for him.

   He lived about three blocks away from the school so he always had to walk. But he enjoyed walking, he loved how the breeze hit him, it was pretty chilly but it made him feel alive. Dan loved nature but there wasn't really any places in his town to just go out and escape from reality. He loved being surrounded by trees. Dan and Fredrick would talk to each other hours on end out there where he used to live.

   The school was right in front of him now and he just paused and stared at it. "What was that Fredrick?" He turned as he heard his friend say something. Fredrick wasn't in school but for some reason people gave Dan weird looks whenever he would talk to Fredrick. "I'll see you after school kid." He said before walking away.

   Dan headed in the school and went straight to his locker. He put all the books in he didn't need and took his math folder out. His first period was math which was very inconvenient for him because he couldn't think in the mornings. Dan went into class and sat down.

   That hour dragged on forever like it always did and Dan sighed in relief as the bell finally rung "Remember your homework! Have a nice day!" The math teacher, Mrs. Soto, called out. Dan jumped up and made his way out the doorway and down the hall. He kept his eyes glued to the ground as he walked.

   "Watch where you're going" Someone said as Dan ran into them. "Oh I'm sorry I just.." He said, looking up at the older boy. Dan examined him for a moment. He had black hair with this leather jacket that matched his hair color. He had a slipknot t-shirt on with some black skinny jeans and black combat boots. To top it off he had a lip ring and he pulled off this look really well. "Just what..?" The older boy asked as Dan stood there. "I just wasn't paying attention was all." Dan gave him a fake smile as he walked away.

   The day went on normally, all the classes were torturous but when lunch came things got a bit weird. Dan always had the lunch they already had there cooked for him. So after he got that he sat down at the table alone like he usually did. He was minding his own business and scrolling through his phone when he looked up. That boy from earlier was staring right at him. Dan knew him from somewhere but he couldn't figure out wear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2016 ⏰

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