Chapter 17: Recovery

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Voices. Voices was all I could hear. Hear my family begging for me to wake up. The doctors checking up on me. I couldn't feel Cüron at the foot of the bed, my mother's hand holding my own, or the pain and soreness of my body. I couldn't even open my eyes, couldn't move my body. Not even my pinky toe would move, no matter what how much I tried. I have no knowledge of how long I was here. I don't even know where 'here' is or what 'here' is. I'm that clue less and I hate that feeling. I have no idea why Erin was never here. I never heard him, never sensed his presence, not once. I know I'm awake and this isn't a dream. I recall everything but, why can't I do anything to let everyone else know. Today I'm going to let everyone else know. Today I'm going to wake up. As of this moment my parents left for lunch and bathroom breaks, Uncle Abe went to the library to see if anything can help me, Cüron's never left the foot of the bed, and Erin's no where to be found. I used all my might and strength to make my eyes open but, I only made it twitch. I tried to make a sound, all I did was make a slight wince. No one heard it, it was so quiet. But I'm stubborn, determined, and am not willing to spend the rest of my miserable days on this bed stuck to monitors. I used every little effort to opening my eyes and just got a slit open. I continued and succeeded. I blinked a few times and looked around the room. I was at HQ in one of the recovery rooms. The door was on my right, tv on the front wall, and a few chairs around my bed. I was correct about Cüron. He was at the foot of my bed and apparently sleeping. Again using what ever energy I could muster wiggled my foot to get his attention. I wiggled my foot a tiny bit, a bit more, and then I could feel my senses returning. Which was awesome to me. I then move my foot a bit more and then Cüron woke up. He yawns loudly and looks around the room and then glances at me and his eyes grow to the size of saucers.

"Artemis .. YOU'RE AWAKE!!!", he says excitedly and then runs out the door to the hallway,"SHE'S AWAKE!! EVERYONE, SHE'S AWAKE!!"

"Well that worked well.", I say with a quiet scratchy voice. Once Cüron ran out screaming happily the doctors and nurses came in to check on me and catch me up on my virtual and such. About 15 minutes later my mom, uncle, Cüron, and dad came to see me. That asked if I was ok, how was I doing, and the usual questions and I responded honestly.

"I could be better ... I am sore and a bit annoyed ... I'd rather be out fighting monsters and saving lives." Apparently I've been in here for about three weeks total and making a miraculous recovery.

"Where's Erin?", I asked them and they all became suddenly quiet.

"He went to his room and hasn't come out since we got back.", Liz said to me.

"Alright. Hey, Doc! When can I get out of here?", I asked the doctor.

"Well you have no broken bones...nothing internal damage...", he began to drag on.

"Actually, I've had internal damage for years. And you're not answering my question. When can I leave?", I said to him with a stern voice.

With an annoyed huff he answered,"You can leave at any time BUT we have to get you prepped to leave."

"Great, get me ready cause I'm leaving this joint.", I say happily.

*times skip after they got her prepped and ready*

After Doc prepped me he kept bugging me to stay on my medication, be safe, blah, blah, blah and etc. I had my ankle braced, arms wrapped up in gauze, had a ton of tiny bandaids on my face, and bruises everywhere. Once I got out my family took me to Erin's room. No one, not even mom or dad, had seen him since we got back from the whole Hecate and Aglaeca fiasco. But I'm going to see him, talk to him, and bring him out.Once I got there I asked to be alone with him and their responses were..."Are you sure?", "Do you want anything?", "If you need anything call for us." And things like that but after they went down the hall just out of ear shot I knocked on my brothers door. And in return there was no response. I turned the door knob and the door opened to my surprise. I thought my brother would have locked his door. When I entered there was this disgusting aroma, trash and clothes everywhere, and the curtains were closed so it was dark in there.

"Erin? Are you in here somewhere?", I ask aloud and then mutter, "You filthy troll."

"I'm not a filthy troll.", a quiet scratchy voice said on the other side of his bed.I slowly walked ,over all the trash and clothes on the floor, to the other side of the bed and saw my brother. Erin looked all grimy and dirty. His hair in all directions, clothes all wrinkled and stained, he even had a slight smell to him. But he was sitting with his back to the bed, knees to his chest, and staring at the wall in front of him while holding something in his hands close to his chest. I decided to sit next to him and we sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Are you ok?", I ask him looking at the wall like he is.

He merely shrugs.

"Why haven't you come out of your room?", I ask and this time he shifts uncomfortably.


"Cause why?", I probe looking at him.

"Just cause"

"That's not an answer.", I say.

"Why does it matter to you?!", He snaps back and now I'm going to snap back.

"Cause my own brother never visited me when I needed him the most!",I say to him looking at him for a brief second then look away.

"So why haven't you come out?", I ask him firmly. Erin just shifts and then hands me the thing he was clutching so close to his chest. It was a family picture me and him took before everything happened. Everyone in the picture was smiling these big'o grins, laughing and hugging on another. Those where the days.

"I ... I was scared...worried...and guilty for everything that happened.",he said after I got a brief look at the picture.

"Why? Why are you feeling like that? Nothing of what happened was your fault, not moms fault, not even dads fault. It was no one's fault. It's just what fate had planned for us.", I say looking between him and the photo after every other word.

"Can you ever forgive me?", he asks looking at the ground.

"Of course. Even though I have no idea what I'm forgiving you for but I do forgive you.", I say then look at the picture," Hey, look. You have moms eyes." I pointed to the picture and he looked and we just sat there comparing ourselves to our parents. All the flaws and gifts. All the blessings and curses. But hey what are family for?

Now what am I going to do? My family will be having some new battles to fight cause of Erin's and my choice to forsake our destiny; the prophecy. Well I guess Cüron, Erin, Liz, Abe, Hellboy, and I will just have to deal with it like a family.

Demons and monsters come at us but beware...We'll be waiting for you. In life or death, heaven or hell...we will find you and keep this realm safe from the likes of you.

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