Chapter 14: The truth is told

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We heard a dark, deep, evil, dry voice say ....

"You don't know the truth. You haven't accepted the truth. You must accept the truth."



"What truth?", I ask with my gun held close and everyone doing the same getting ready for a battle. 

"Why don't you tell them Anung Un Rama.", We heard and we all turn to my father.

"Tell us what?", Erin asks with a stern look. 'He's reading his emotions' I thought. 

"I don't know what's he's talking about?", my father said. But all of us looked at him sternly.

"Don't lie to us.", Erin says.

"Red, I think we need to tell them. They're past old enough.", Mom says and both Erin and I look at her surprised.

"Ok, I'm done with games what's going on?!", I shout and all eyes are on me.

"Since ...", Mom begins but my dad interupts.

"Liz don't. They don't need to know."

"Since your dad didn't succeed in conquering Earth, someone had to take his place. Someone who was his blood related. They will take his place as the bringer of death and destruction.", mom blurts out quickly and dad sighs deeply and looks to the ground.

"What?", I ask

"However if they follow in his footsteps and fail then the prophesy shall be broken and shall not occur at any other given time.", she finishes.

"So Artemis or I could be the next Anung Un Rama? And you guys didn't even think about telling us?", Erin asks.

"We thought we were good enough parents to teach you guys to choose the righteous path. And we didn't need to worry about this.", Dad piped in looking at us.

"Didn't need to worry about this? How can you not worry about this? As of our twentieth birthday we were of age to complete the prophesy.", Erin argues.

"WE KNEW THAT!  WHY DO YOU THINK THAT AFTER YOUR GUY'S  21ST BIRTHDAY DO YOU THINK WE SEARCHED FOR HER HARDER!!", Dad yelled towards us more specifically Erin. But the argument was interrupted by Aglaeca's evil hissing laugh.

"What's so amusing?", I say almost a whisper and I got a response.

"Now that you know the truth, you fell right into my trap." And just like that we all fell into the shadows that were under us. The fall was cold but warm, long but short, and it felt like flying in the wrong direction. I haven't the slightest idea of how long we fell but when we stopped we were on our knees, wrists chained to the floor with inscriptions written on them. I looked around, we were in a dark eerie cinder-blocked room of what looked like an insane asylum. I then looked to either side of me. On my left (in order from farthest to closest) was Damon, Abe, Liz, Erin, then me and on my right is   Hellboy, Cüron, and Lavita. I then looked at my chains and read the inscription, it was in demon language(surprise, surprise). It read," Abandonment" and "your true self". 

The Truth Be ToldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon