Chapter 16: Till death do we PART

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A deity my family knew and fought often was behind us and we knew we were on death row for we might not return from this encounter .... ALIVE. This deity was a formidable foe and had won and lost many battles with my father and mother but, this time she was just a bit more powerful and we were unprepared.


(This is Hecate)

"WHY!? Why have you denied your places as powerful beings?!", The great goddess Hecate yelled at us from her position above us while moving to stand in front of us

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"WHY!? Why have you denied your places as powerful beings?!", The great goddess Hecate yelled at us from her position above us while moving to stand in front of us. Erin and I were trying not to look scared but inside we were terrified and by the looks the three wolves were in the same boat. Now in my opinion on a scale of 1-10, 10 being victory and 1 losing, we're at -20 because our parents are still locked up, Erin and I are a bit drained from using almost all of our powers, and we have no back up. So our chances aren't very good. I look towards Erin, then we look towards Hecate and try to gather our composure.

"I denied mine because it's not the right way.", was Erin's answer to the question.

'How heroic that sounds.' I think to myself and give my answer.

"I just didn't want people to suffer the same way I have and to actually help them. Like I used to before I joined the BPRD."

"You puny mortals are just like your father.", was her response and ours was, "Yeah we get that a lot." And with this little conversation over Erin and I turned to our demon forms. I a hellhound and Erin a phoenix.

"No wonder your so much like your mother

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"No wonder your so much like your mother.", dad remarks to Erin in his bird form. He didn't even mention anything or even looked at me. But what do you expect when you're the name on his chains.

"I sense some... tension in you young angel. Why don't you use your power to do what you always wanted to do?", Hecate suggested looking at me and lowering herself to look at me closer.

"And what have I always wanted to do?", I say giving her a cold glare from my burning eyes.My hackles were up and I was beginning to give a low growl and snarl at her as she grew closer.

"You've always find your family... and to make them pay for what they did to you!",She started sincere almost pitifully but in the end became enraged, frustrated.

"You're right I've always wanted to find my family. But to never make them pay.", I say and I lunged at her lowered head, teeth bared and clawing at her exposed face. But she did get a hold on me and threw me to the side looking even more angered then before. I got up tentatively a bit sore but otherwise fine. Her on the other hand could use some stitches to her nose and right cheek.

"It is inevitable.", She said and a battle began. Erin flew up and swooped low at Hecate burning and clawing any exposed flesh he could get to. Damon and Lavita ran to my side and Cüron on their heels.

"Artemis, Lavita and I need a few moments together to perform a spell.", Damon said in a rush as to get in to the fight fast.

I nodded," Be fast.", and they ran to the back of the room," Cüron make sure to not let any thing happen to them(gesturing to Red, Liz, and Abe who where still chained.) at any cost." He nods and I run to help my brother as Cüron runs to guard the others.

Cüron's POV:

"Why aren't you helping them? We'll be fine.", Abe said to me as I came to stand infant of them.

"No, she said to watch you guys until you get out of your chains.", I said not turning to look at them.

' I mean she basically said that, in a word. Plus it could inspire them to break their chains and Help us win this thing.' I think to my self as the fight proceeds. Erin was still swooping and occupying Hecate, while Artemis nipped and clawed at her tail/legs.

"GO HELP MY KIDS!", Hellboy yelled behind me and up till now I was intimidated by him but now I'm not.

"NOT TILL YOU HELP YOURSELF!!!", I yelled back turning towards him then turning back to watch the fight. Then I heard something behind me.

Artemis's POV:

As I was fighting or distracting Hecate either one I then heard something back towards Damon and Lavita's way. When I looked back to them I saw they were doing sort of magic to make a portal, to where I have no clue. But soon after I looked I was nocked over harshly to one side and Erin fell close by me. Hecate was recoiling to hit me and Erin with her fist but unexpectedly was knocked back across the room. Erin and I looked over and saw that the portal was open letting the entire pack coming threw to our aid even Richcomb came. And with Damon and Richcomb's command the entire pack attacked Hecate.

"Come on Erin, can't let the party start without us.", I said getting up and looking towards him.

"Alright. Till death...", He said getting up and beginning a phrase I haven't heard in years. Since we were always inseparable as children we came up with a phrase.

" we part.", I finished the phrase and we leapt to join the fight.

The phrase means, " We will never leave each other under any circumstances."

As the battle continued we suffered many losses and Hecate suffered just as much. Hecate and the team were at a stalemate. We needed a big gun or guns. And just as I was thinking up a plan 'chinks' sounded and a gun shots rang threw out the room. I turned, Liz and Abe were up and helping with the fight, finally. The only one left was Hellboy, what were the odds. Then Hecate turned and hit everyone in one swipe. With all of us done none of us had time to react to what happened next, except for me. While everyone was done Hecate was on a rampage and was threatening all of us but directed her attention towards the only one that was vulnerable.

"You! You're their father, you will pay for their tertiary!", She said and went to grab at my father but I intervened. She and I fought one on one and I was winning stride by stride. Then that stubborn witch caught me off guard and stabbed me with a dagger right in my diaphragm.

"NO!!!!", everyone yelled. I only grunted but got back at her by shooting her in the head then fell over and let the darkness take over.


After Artemis fell unconscious everyone retaliated with full force. Vengeance, anger, suffering, and hatred were the only emotions felt in the room. Artemis' family were the only ones who weren't fighting but were gathering next to her, for any sign of life. Hellboy was unchained once she fell and began to shoot down Hecate. Once said and done Hecate gone, everyone came too their friends side. Liz called Manning to get help as soon as possible but, everyone wasn't sure if you would make it or not.

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