The Prophecy

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After Hellboy had denied the role of Anung Un Rama and was a killer of evil, he and Liz had become parents to twins. A son named Erin and daughter named Artemis. Each had features of their parents like the son had the dark brown almost black hair like his mother and the golden eyes of his father. The daughter had her mother's brown eyes with flecks of red in them but she had more of her father in her then either of them wanted. But they decided that no matter what happened they would get through it as a family.

At the age of 5 they were the most lively children any parent could ask for. Their parents were curious on why their children did't have any abilities or powers, for at that age they should be showing some sort of sign. But no matter they didn't care if they had powers or not they just cared that their children were healthy, well fed, and well cared for. At that time the family lived out in the country in a small country house. Even though Hellboy and Liz still worked at the BPRD they would take turns so that one parent will be with the kids while the other was making money and stopping evil.

One day while Hellboy and Liz were both home an unexpected visitor came to the house. A creature that looked like an angel but it was actually a demon called the Literary. He was an old ally to Liz and Hellboy during some of their missions. He only came to them if there was good news or terrible news. Today was a day of terrible news.

" Literary, what are you doing here ?", Liz asked.

" Who's that mommy?", Erin and Artemis asked at the same time.

"An old friend. How about you two go inside and get a snack we need to talk to him alone, ok.", Liz told them. And they did as their mother told them.

" I am here to give some news that may concern you and your children's future.", Literary stated flatly.

" What kind of news would that be ? Some kind of monster coming to earth to destroy it, or something.", Said Hellboy.

" Actually it concerns your prophesy. You see since you did not fulfill it someone does, and plans to do so.", Literary said.

" What do you mean by 'someone' needs to fulfill it ?", Liz asked her motherly instincts kicking in. Both her and Hellboy had a bad felling that their children where some how involved in this new news. And both being highly protective of the kids this didn't settle with them to well.Literary started to recite something both Liz and Hellboy believed to be a scroll or a book involving Helloby's prophecy .

"If Anung Un Rama doesn't succeed in conquering the human realm, then there would be another. They will take up their father's place as the bringer of death and destruction.However if they also follow in their father's footsteps and fail then the prophesy shall be broken and shall not occur at any other given time." Literary finishes.

"So by father you mean ... " Hellboy started but was cut off by Literary.

" Your offspring are able to take your place in the prophesy If they do not take the root of evil."

" Is there any way to prevent that from happening to our kids? I don't want our kids to live in a world we try so hard to protect to only destroy it afterwards." Liz states with cancer and sadness in her voice.

" The only thing you can do is to try to raise your children on the path of light and to to raise them to be rid of all things evil. Now I thought you would like to know what I had found and will find it useful, if there is no more questions I will leave you and shall return when I have found any other information concerning this subject." And with that Literary left to infinite library of knowledge leaving two concerned, scared, and sad parents behind with their two confused and bewildered children.

"What should we do Red ? Do we raise them as good as we can or do we ... ", Liz started to say when Hellboy cut her off saying, "Don't worry we'll figure it out. But for now lets spend time with our kids."

A little after the news Liz and Hellboy felt that it would be best if they dropped their kids at Miss Granet's (an old friend) place while they went to go figure out how to handle this new problem.

" Daddy, where you going ?", ask Artemis curiously still not understanding whats going on.

" Well kido me and mommy are going on an adventure.", he said not wanting to tell his kids the truth behind the trip.

"Will you think of us while you're gone? What's going to happen to us if something go's wrong ?", Artemis asked starting to get scared.

"Honey, of course we'll think of you two and don't worry nothing is going to go wrong me and mommy will be back before you know it, ok. Remember what doesn't kill you...", He stated while trying to keep his daughters hope up and keep her calm.

" Makes me stronger.", she finished for him giving her beloved father a big hug," I love you."

"I love you to kid.", he told her in the hug not wanting to let go of her.

But after all the passing around of love and the goodbyes tragedy had come upon me and my brother. According to the officers on the front porch Miss Garnet had suffered a stroke during lunch time while we where at school. They tried to contact our parents but eventually not receiving any response me and my brother were put into foster care. Me and him were separated after day 5 of being there. I over heard that he was adopted by a very nice family that was wealthy, I was happy for him. I on the other hand if you can guess didn't have that kind of luck. I bounced from house to house being both abused and mistreated. Even after all the abuse, separation problems, and loneliness( everyone knew I was different I didn't know how but they knew I was) I still had hope that my parents would come and find me and my brother so we can be a family once more. But then one sentence, one person was all it took for all that hope to break.


"ugh" I exclaimed after falling to the ground. I was on the playground at the foster facility being bullied again by the same person. The adults didn't care it was normal, all they cared about was the money we gave them each time we were put in a foster family.

"Come on Arti, get up I'm not done with you !", Whitney yelled to me just like any other day.

"You do know your parents aren't coming back. " She told me, she found my weak spot.

"TAKE THAT BACK ! ", I shouted at her .

" Oh come on it's been 5 years now. You still haven't thought that they meant for this to happen. That they wanted to abandon you. ", She stated flatly. Her words got to me so hard that I didn't notice that my hand was starting to get red and hot. I couldn't take it any more. I charged her and punched her square in the face with my burning hot hand. We tousled on the ground for a few minutes until I was on top of her and was beating her savagely. Then the adults came and separated us. While I was in my bed that night my hand bandaged and bruises fading I thought about what she said. I then knew that she was right my parents weren't coming back, I wasn't going to see my brother again, and I was never going to get adopted. Right then and there my hope was shattered.


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