Chapter 2. learn your roots

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Rons P.O.V
me and mork ran to the bathroom and fought over the mirror i touched my face, Oh God! Im Half WereWolf!? I said in a horrific tone. Mork glared at me as he felt my face or his face, i look like a ken doll....he said barely breathing wich was a bad sighn. I scoffed How did this happen! Your me im you...mork turned away from me. Well atleast our lives are'nt switched around. He said i gave him a confused look. What do you mean?? I asked feeling my hairy arms in shock. Our minds are in different bodies your minds in my body and my minds in your body, so were still the same person kemosabe. I rubbed my head because honestly hearing myself talk fast gave me a head ache.

Well what do we do? We cant stay like this i said, mork looked at himself in the mirror again well atleast i dont have to wax anymore Hahahaha he laughed. I stood still, Ark Ark..mork stops smiling Okay if we're gonna be like this we gotta switch laughs. He exclaimed.
Through out the day since i was in morks head i had a sighn taped on my back that said kick me , two of my buddies put my head in the toliet then to top things off. I i had no partner in biology so i had to work all by myself. I wonder how that dorks doing! I asked my self.

Morks P.O.V
things were going great for me two cheerleaders. Asked my out on a date all the Students high fived me in the hallway and i got to sit at the Popular table at lunch! Joy mixed with Happieness! I said to myself until math class ofcourse...when the teacher asked me what the square root of 9x was i just froze and said "69?" he looked at me with a disapointed look i guess ron is'nt too good at math. I thought.

By the end of the day me and ron well mostly me had a great day, ron and i went back to mindys house since she stayed afterschool for a club shes in that helps dolphins me and ron went back to the house so i could show him the ropes.
Okay Earthling first
things first im not suppose to tell anyone this but.....ron looks at me a look of horror Oh god..dont tell me your- Im an alien from another planet! He glares at me.Oh! Yeah right ofcourse.. What did you think i was gonna say? I asked curisously. Nothing! He blurts out anyway im an alien from another planet. Ron repeats what i said. I nod right on strike up the bland!

This is weird- he stops talking Wait is that why i was saying all those wierd words like Nanuananu and shazbot! I nod again You got it kemosabe. I point the bar hanging from the cieling, i sleep hanging from that! So that means your going to have to too every night Human. He laughs no way space man im not doing that

Besides whats gonna happen if i sleep on my back? I laugh Ark Ark! you'll stop breathing and die. I point out. He swallows harshly. Okay.....

Rons P.O.V
if im truly really a creature from out there! Mork interupts me, accuatly im from out there he says pointing to the sky. I roll my eyes Prove it then! He sets a glass of juice on the a big chest he has in the middle of the attic.
Now put your finger in the glass and Drink up! I give him a look of "What the heck". I shrug okay if you say so, as soon as i do that the whole drink disapears before my eyes i gaze at mork in shock and amazement, how the hell did i do that? Then my finger burps its self wich is even wierder than mork!

now let me show you my gadgets! He says. I rolly my eyes again great more school stuff... I say to myself. He hands me a sort of calculator looking machine,
So? Whats this a calculator? I ask.
Its an age machine.. Mork replies, for what exactly? Whenever orkans want to go to being a certain age you press any of these buttons! For example. Mork presses a button and instantly i start crying like a three yearold.

He puts me back in my same age i glare at him. Okay Never Do that again! Kay-o! Mork says.
I get up and step on something i look down its an egg.
Whats this your dinner? I joke. Nope its my gleek! Whats a gleek i ask taking it from him.
Its a charger that i use on myself on my birthday.
Why do you use this on your birthday? If i dont ill die but dont worry my birthday only comes every 8,billion years! My eyes widen Shazbot!i say.

The door opens downstairs as mindys voice fill the house "Mork im Home!" she says. Okay you gotta scram kid Mindy does'nt like ron so Go out the window! I quickly unlock the window of the attic mork climbs out, Its to far down! He says. Just jump its 4 Feet i exclaim. He salutes me like a soldier and falls to the ground in some bushes.
I look down to him, you okay? I gives me a thumbs up Im okay Dont worry about me. I shut the window. And go downstairs.

Nanu nanu mindy.i say greeting her i cant believe im saying that i sound like a complete Idiot! I sat screaming internally.
Mindy smiles at me. Mork my father wants to take me to lunch after school tomorow so i Wont be back. Till 4am. I looked at her with a strange look, what about me? I asked. Mindy looks at me with a sad look..oh mork um..she stops talking. How come he did'nt invite mork to lunch? I thought to myself does'nt seem very fair! Hey ill tell you what ill call ny father. And ask him to invite you! Sounds like a good plan? She asks. Yes General Mconnell! I replie in a soldier voice hey good impression of a war heroe! I say to myself along with a smile.

Morks P.O.V
i was'nt really used to being all alone in big house like rons but then i started relizing that i could do anything i want since i could'nt move things with my finger anymore i just sat upside down on my head until the blood rushed to my head, my stomach growled! Woah my human instincts are telling me its for a snack. I ran down stairs humming a sonny and cher song i opened the refirgerator door and Before my eyes there were tons of sweets and foods in there!

Wow...i said in awe! I must of died and went to heaven..i said i grabbed some. Bolonie, Chocolate icecream, cherrys and whip cream and made into a Balonie sundae! then i put on some rons records one of chers and David Bowie abd started doing the ork hustle the phone rang "yo whats my main Man!" it was ron he sounded a little scared.
Mork mindys dad just unvited me and her for lunch after school tomorow! I turn off the record. Oh and i forgot to mention mindys dad Hates me...he answers me in an angry tone

What!? He yells. Okay bye kemosabe i hang up the phone and continue dancing.

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