08|| Big Bad Wolf

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Big Bad Wolf

DIGGING HER FOLK INTO THE moist Amaretto cheesecake, Amara took a bite. The pleasure brought a moan to her lips. It was her second serving for the night. Despite her fear that all the food she ate would go to her hips, she couldn't help herself.

"You like it?" Andrew leaned back on the sofa, finishing his share. "I had it made especially for you."

"Thank you. It's amazing." Amara put her plate down on the table. "I'll regret it all tomorrow."

"Good food should never be regretted."

The clock read 12:38. "It's getting late. I should head home."

"Why don't you stay? I'll drop you off first thing tomorrow morning on my way to work."

"I can't." He watched her with a heavy-lidded gaze. His tongue slid leisurely across the seam of his lips as if he still tasted her. Amara knew that look so well; knew what came after it. It was a look that screamed sex. "I don't want us to..."

"I'm not a big bad wolf, Amara. I enjoy your company." She gave him a stern glare that made him smile. "I promise you. You can sleep in the guestroom if you think all I want is to sleep with you."

Her mind wandered off to the memory of his succulent kisses that swallowed her lips. Of his body against hers. Temptation called her and she could do nothing but dance with the idea of the thrill. But she had a habit of falling for broken men. They had handsome cloaks of invisibility covering their faults. It was too early.

"I have to get to work very early tomorrow. I can't stay."

He smiled and of course, sincerity glistened in his eyes. "It's okay. Thank you for trusting me and giving me your time tonight."

"It was my pleasure."

"Can I change into something more comfortable before we leave? Do you mind?"

"Of course not."

The night crackled. Everything had turned to static electricity in the heat. As she waited for Andrew, Amara stared into the ocean. The palpitating pulse of the sea was steady and peaceful. It was soothing and she was glad to get away from the hurly-burly and stresses of life.

"Done." Andrew joined her. "Shall we?"

All those times she had met him, she'd never really seen him. Of course, she had seen him and appreciated him in his custom made suits, but she had never really seen him until that moment in a t-shirt. His tea-coloured skin was sleek and his chest and limbs pleasingly muscular...the only hair on his body were the tight curls on his head. This close, she made out the shape of the bottom of a tattoo on his bicep, which looked like a half-sun.

Christ! she cursed under her breathe as heat travelled down her body to her core.



"Are you ready to go?" She nodded. He took her hand. "Come, there's something I wanted to show you. A surprise."

With her back to his chest, Andrew covered her eyes. She staggered as he led her, afraid if he lost sight even for a second, she would tumble. An elevator dinged. They walked in. It descended before coming to a stop. Slowly, he helped her out and walked a couple of paces before removing his hand from her face.

"Blu mentioned you had a thing for sports cars."

A black Lamborghini was parked strategically between a grey Mercedes and a white Jeep.

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