a love letter to my maria

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Me - You're on mind. You in your safe spot?

My Maria - You're on mine and yes I am, come home. Australia teased me. Australia don't love you, like I love you.

Me - It surely doesn't, I'll be home soon. I love you. Goodnight Houston.

Maria - Good afternoon Brisbane. 

I smile knowing she doesn't know I'm five minutes away from being in her arms as I pull the lever down and climb up the stairs. 

 I take my shoes and jacket all and cuddle up behind her, kissing her shoulder. 

"You're home," She sighs and I smile, holding her.


My Maria forever,

I think that night we laid, looking at the stars, in your safe place was the night I became truly fascinated with you. I know we talked about walls being down and we sang together, we revealed are liking for one another before hand too, but I do believe that all my feelings for you, then and there, that night became solidified. I am enamored and irrevocably in love with you my dear Maria. We're young, I understand. But love knows no age, no time, and no remorse for us - it is a savagely unavoidable thing. I believe wholeheartedly that our love will be forever. Some people think it's silly but (I'm so thankful for the parents we have) our parents never laughed at us because we make sense. They see it, we makes sense and they see our future Maria, they live it. They are prime examples of love, substance and sustaining through good times, misery, suffering and forbearance, sticking around when the going gets tough because they remembered what an amazing love had waiting for them on the other side. So my vow is to love you for always, even through our suffering. I get to be me when I'm with you and I just know, I have this strong feeling that your my person for always, so that makes me lucky. I know we'll use our fellow teenage line "we fall in love too young", "we needed to explore our options before tying ourselves down", "we fell out of love". There will be no need for that my dear, because space isn't a problem for us, I hope you know that if that ever happens that I have faith that we'll always make our way back home to each other, our love withheld through our other relationships, our love made it through five years, I know it can do so much more. 

I think love makes us poetic, I think it brings out the most sweetest words from our tongues simply to caress our hearts and make us cringe because, we know on a normal day this is much sap would destroy us emotionally. You're my poem Maria and I'm happy to be yours anytime. I believe you said you wanted someone to be your freedom or at least your source of it someday, I hope I am your freedom everyday, your breath of fresh air, your plane that cures your wanderlust because you make me feel as though I can do anything and then some. I am tethered and untethered by you always and I thank you. I found a home within myself by allowing you to be a home for me, you're my open field, I am the bird that explores your vastness. Our year apart has done nothing short of making us stronger. Australia, Madrid and South America had nothing on us. I mean we both got a bit more tan and more cultured but, damn did that make you more attractive to me. You've become such a smarter,braver, bolder, stubborn, resilient and beautiful woman with simply one year apart from me Mare. That's what you did without me. Sure, we did FaceTime, phone calls, texts and letters but that's nothing like the four years we've had face to face. We've grown together and apart. I feel such a deep connection and love for you now, our relationship hasn't faltered one bit. But promise me we'll do Puerto Rico together, okay?

  What I'm saying is in 60 more years, I want to still wake up by you, or should I say I want to fall in love over and over again with you when you wake me up ;) . I want to hold your hand and walk the earth with you. I imagine our children and the home we're going to build together. I imagine this all with you Maria, only with you and I am beyond happy when I can picture it all. (I also see our friends Daya and Zac, and hopefully a couple of Aussie babies) You are my forever and ever, my dream in reality, my ending. I love you. Today, tomorrow, now, then and forever. I'll stop rambling now.  

Your person, forever and always, 
Mr. Lawrence Ray (Salvatino, I imagine you're going to force your name on me. I wanted you to know I'd be more than proud to be one with you Mrs. Ray Salvatino)

  "Being as in love with you as I am,  And with words unspoken, A silent devotion, I know you know what I mean"  End Game

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