Chapter 3. Family & Naps

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"Hey James," I say to my little cousin.

"Hey Maria," James runs to me and jumps in my arms. I giggle and wrap him in my arms.

"Tell me, how old are you Jamie, huh?" I kiss his forehead walking to the kitchen.

"Four," Jamie smiles, putting for fingers up.

"That's right Jamie, good job. Now point to whatever snack you want and cousin Mare will get you a snack," I poke him making him fidget. He points to the small containers of cotton candy. I pout, they were my containers.

"Which one buddy," I point to the pink cotton candy, he nods. I take the plastic seal and top off and hand him the container.

"Where's your mommy and Auntie Sel Jamie," I ask him. He points to the patio.

"Hello mama and Auntie Rachel," I say, handing Jamie over to his mom, Aunt Rachel.

"Hey girly. Seems like every time we come over you mature more, and I visit often. You're less of a little nina now you looking like a woman," Aunt Rachel smiles, I laugh.

"Come on auntie, I'm still stuck at five in your head," I say hugging her tightly.

"I wish. Those boys are gonna be chasing you down the halls, if they're not already. You're gorgeous, beautiful, sexy just like your aunt and your mom," Aunt Rachel says. I feel heat rush to my cheeks.

"Blah. Thank you," I say.

"You're welcome. Every girl needs to know the truth," She shrugs smiling.

"Rachel you're making her turn red," My mom laugh. I shake my head.

"How was your run with Daya and Lawrence," Mom asked.

"It went really well. Daya will be going away to Miami, Florida in two days though so Lawrence is going to take her spot or make a new spot for my bestfriend job for a month since Zendaya won't be able all of her bestfriend duties," I smile.

"Wow for a month. Don't torture Lawrence please. That's why Daya's running away from you to Miami," My mom says jokingly teasing me. I laugh.

"If anything that boy deserves some torture and you're just jealous that you're not in the spotlight in the family anymore. I'm the baby," I stick my tongue out at her playfully, she laughs.

"That's right baby," Aunt Rachel high fives me. I laugh and grab some graham crackers.

"I'm gonna go take a shower and a nap," I say walking backwards out the room.

"You better run young lady," My mom laughs, I giggle hurrying up to my room with the honey graham crackers. I sit the crackers on my night stand and walk to my bathroom, turning my huge bathtub jacuzi on and pour some bubble soap in the water. I go in the mirror and tie my hair in a high bun. I look at my face in the mirror and smile. I felt good today. I felt glowingly happy. I get in the tub and relax my sore muscles for about twenty minutes. I soap up then let the water out the drain and take a steamy shower. I get out the shower feeling renewed. I put my Chachi mommas and my dotheadsbychachi tank top on and lay in my king size bed under the fluffy thermal cover. I smile and began to doze off in a wonderful, silent minded, well deserved nap



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