Chapter 34. Almost Is Never Enough

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"The Truth Is Everyone Knows" - Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes \ Almost is Never Enough

"Mare you have to tell us if he's done this before," My mom says softly, putting some ice on the side of my head.

"Absolutely not ma, I'd tell you. He's never put his hands on me aggresively or harmed me in anyway," I tell her seriously, I look around my bed at Ray, my parents and Darren.

'Where's Nell," I ask him and he shakes his head.

"You're worried about someone else, you're silly Mare. Nell's downstairs with Zac and Daya," He assures me.

"Good, I hope I didn't mess any of your plans up," I sigh and close my eyes.

"You can't keep falling asleep Mare, baby. Just talk to us for a bit. I'll even tell you some of my awesome jokes, no pay and you know how important money is to me. You guys are second to it," My dad says and I giggle.

"Ma how do you deal with the knuckle head? I want Uncle Jesse he's a real babe," I tease my parents.

"I told you when she was little we shouldn't have let her watched that, you know everyone loves John Stamos," Dare teased my parents as well.

"Oh shut it kid you ain't that far ahead of her, you enjoyed it just as much. Now back to the topic missy," Dad caught on to what I was doing.

"Dad can you go get me a cool cup of water and a fresh fruit bowl. Dare go be with your girlfriend and kick Zac's butt at COD for me and you Mr. Law-," I begin.

"I know what you're up to Maria, Ray stays with us to back up your information about Drew," My mom says.

"Splendid honey, just splendid. That'll do for now children, run along. Thank you," I stick my tongue out at a shocked Darren and amused father.

"Girls I tell ya, right Dare and Ray", Dad says as he walk out.

"Right Charlie," Ray says chuckling.

"Now are you ready to tell me the complete truth," My mom cuts to the chase.

"He's never physically hurt me mom or emotional really. It's just sometimes I'd feel pressured to do things and he'd get angry or a little aggressive but he never did anything. I never let anything happen," I said looking directly at her.

"I believe you mi hija," My mom says brushing my hair out of my face.

"Good. This intervention interrogation was getting a bit stiff," I ease the tense mood.

"Your father and brother just care about you, deeply. You're the only girl in the house other than me that they feel need protection at all times. They're you guardian angels, your security or guard dogs, whichever you prefer to call then. Ray's part of the plan too," My mom says smiling softly, the mention of Ray reminds me he's still in the room and I look over at him, then quickly avert my attention back to my mom.

"You forgot my top dog. My ride or die, my Clyde, because I'm obviously Bonnie. My creme de la crepe. My-" I ramble.

"Okay, okay Maria. I get it. You're talking about Daya," My mom laughs.

"Noo, I was talking about you boo. My queen Bee," I say seriously and my falls backwards on my bed in laughter. My dad comes in smiling at us.

"Damn, is she beautiful," My dad says to Ray and I.

"Goals dad, just goals," I smile as my mom continue to laugh with us all.

"Our silly daughter here just called me her boo, her queen bee, creme de la crepe, top dog, ride or die, the Clyde to her Bonnie, Charles. I thought she was talking about Daya. The craziest thing about it is, she was so serious while saying it," My mom says giggling and I smile hard because I haven't seen her this joyous and free in such a long time. My dad and Ray look at me with grins.

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