Part 1- 5.06PM

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If you're reading this and expecting a happy ending, you should leave. Also, if you don't want to know how this ends, skip this chapter because I'm going to talk about it.

So, Hi. My name is Christian Vesper and this is the story of myself and Sapphire Anson. I'd like to think she was insane. That everything she spoke was lies. However, I can't. She spoke the truth. About the world; about life; about us. She was my world. Although we were young, I loved her. I knew it was love. I felt something I'd never felt before. That was her.

She was depressed. Suicidal. Bipolar aggressive. Anxiety struck. Broken. I didn't ever find a flaw in her. I never thought she was a fault in society. She couldn't be a fault in society because society was the fault in her. It messed with her. It gave her too many thoughts and she became a prisoner in her own head. She was lost. But she was always Sapphire Anson. Always my Sapphire. She once told me, "If I ever do it, Christian, commit suicide. I'll do it slowly. I will jump off a bridge, or overdose. That why my last thoughts can be our time together. Rather than me screaming 'DO IT'." She kept that. Asif it was a promise. I hope when she jumped she thought she was flying. I hope she found the city beautiful as it grew around her. I hope just before she blacked out she heard the sound of the waves rolling beneath her. I hope she knew her eyes matched the waves. I hope she knew she was still beautiful, even in death.

This is the story of a boy who was pathetically in love with Sapphire Anson.

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