Part 5 - 17.32pm

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"Hey Christian?" she turned to me.

"Sapphire?" I asked.

"You're not happy either are you? I can see it in your eyes. The way they light up at attractive things, but decline back to dullness quickly. You still care about people?"

"I cared about a lot of people. Those people were better off without me. So they're without me. I don't care anymore. I just observe. So far there's no one worth caring about". I watch her eyes drop in regret, Id already hurt her without any intentions. She turned away from me.

"Sapphire, I didn't mean it like that. I meant until now." Sapphire look at me. I grabbed her arm and she shrugged me off. "Sapphire please,"

"Christian, Im okay. I understand. I don't care about myself either." She sighed.

"No Sapphire. Look I do care. Of course I care. Don't cry." I noticed salty droplets forming in the corners of her eyes. "I pulled her closer to me Look its going to be alright. It will get better."

Sapphire immediately pulled away from me. Her eyes turned from sad to furious.

"They keep fucking saying that bullshit line. It will get better, When! Im tired of hearing it because its not changing anything for me. Im slowly deteriorating into a black hole of sadness and Im soon going to swallow up you and everyone else I know."

"In all fairness, I hate that line too. Its four words which when combined creates the worst lie. I dread waking up and not feeling like I want kill myself! Sapphire its not just you whose fucking suffering a pain which does not cease. I am stood next to you fighting my own battle inside my head, in fairness my demons are winning. Don't play the only hero when you're in a team." I snapped.

"You don't understand what Im going through!" She screamed.

"And vice fucking versa" I interrupted. She smirked, a devilish smirk.

"Mr. Vesper I think you've met you're match" She fell into a daze, and laughed. "What time is it?? Her eyes were always distracted. One minute they'd speak something and the next they'd fly somewhere else. Her brain was entirely scattered. She was insane.

"2.12am Ma'am. I think you should stay here." My voice was shaking offering her a night in my bed while I stayed on my couch.

"Well that couch does look comfy. I'll take it" She laughed jumping over the backboard and positioning herself.

"I would of offered the bed to you.." I began.

"This is fine" She whispered, already falling into her dreams.

"Sapphire Anson," I whispered to my falling asleep self.

She was beautiful. In the lonely, quiet way unnoticed people are beautiful to those who notice them.

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