Two Down

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~Patryk's POV~

As Patryk dropped from the plane, his eyes widened. He has jumped from a plane once or twice before, but he had never jumped this high. He began to panic a little, then took deep breaths and closed his eyes.

About twenty seconds later he opened his eyes and pulled his parachute. He saw many parachutes below him a few people still trying to make their way down. He heard above him a female scream "Help! My parachute! Faen!" (Fean means Fuck in English) Soon he saw her zoom by. She hit the top of a parachute a few meters below Patryk. Then a man began to yell with the girl. Both the girl and the man went crashing down to the ground.

Patryk heard several yells from different parachutes, some in surprise and some in desperation.

Patryk frowned 'Two down..' He thought.
~A few minutes later~
As Patryk landed on the ground, he saw the woman who fell from the sky being carried away. He closed his eyes, knowing she would be one of many to die. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around.

"Hey Pat. How was the landing?" asked the approacher. It was Paul.

"I panicked just a little.. I don't know what came over me but.. I just had an odd feeling." Patryk replied, his voice filled with embarrassment

"It's okay. I think we're all scared.. Especially after what happened to Jerry and Sam.."

'Jerry and Sam.. Those where the people that fell..' Patryk thought. "Well.. At least they don't have to walk through this hellhole of a battle with us."

"Well We're staying in the tents tonight, Red Leader told us we would attack in the morning." Paul informed Patryk.

Patryk nodded. "The American army doesn't know what's coming." He half joked.
~A few hours later~
Patryk look at the star filled sky before walking into the tent. Paul was in the tent with a guy named Jay, whom Patryk didn't know very well. He pulled a blanket out from the corner and lay down the ground. He sighed before closing his eyes. He drifted into sleep and blood and bullets filled his dreams.

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