Superheroes and Their Costumes

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The other day in school, we all had a massive Marvel VS DC Debate during the lunch break. And while all my friends argued about the more powerful superheroes and stuff, this is the thought that made its way to my brain-

Even when the world is ending, how do superheroes ALWAYS have the liberty to change into their suits?

For those superheroes whose powers are in their suits, like Iron Man, wearing the suit before going to battle makes perfect sense. After all, the suit is what makes these superheroes, superheroes.

When the mission isn't really time-sensitive, or the superhero has super-speed, then them going and changing into their costume is kind of justified (emphasize "kind of").

As for superheroes whose real identities are secret, the lets-grab-suit-and-then-kick-ass-theory also makes somewhat sense. Those face-covering masks are necessary for varied reasons depending on the superhero and his back story. (But then again, for these heroes, in case the situation involves a time-sensitive mission or the end of the world if they didn't show their faces, the fact that they first go and grab their suit really shows their priorities. Like buddy, the world is ending and you're concerned about your identity staying secret and your style quotient being high?)

But in the worst category are the superheroes who 1. have natural powers so they don't really need suits; 2. don't have super-speed so they can't afford time for a costume change, and; 3. their real identities are public so getting into a costume doesn't make any sense.

When superheroes belonging to this category go and change from their regular clothes to their superhero costume, while the villain harasses the innocent public/destroys the earth/wrecks havoc/does evil things in general, it really pisses me of.

Agreed, these suits and costumes help the aura of the superhero, and help him/her look cooler and stuff, but when Mr Evil Arch-Nemesis is putting into effect Destroy World Plan No. 26492743, its better to just abandon the costume, get your ass at the crime scene, kick some butt, and save some time while saving the world, and let people get on with their businesses as usual.

Because tomorrow you wouldn't like to be held responsible for the collapse of a building, or the death of a kid, because you were wasting time getting into your tights and then wearing your underwear over said tights.

It's simple as that.

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