"Where are they, it's been twenty minutes?" Kisa said. "I'm gonna go home." Misaki said looking at the time on his phone, 5:53 p.m.

"I'll just text them that we're leaving so they won't worry." Misaki texted them all in a group text.

"Kisa and I are heading home, we'll see you all tomorrow." 

5:53 p.m. Unread

"Want to come to my place?" Kisa asked Misaki as they began walking away from the school. "Why not? I'm so bored anyways." 

"Kisa, I'm getting worried." Misaki said looking at the group text message that said none of them had read it. "Why?" Kisa asked as he got two sodas from his refrigerator. "I sent the text message to all of them they haven't read it yet." Misaki said, showing Kisa the unread message. 

"I'm getting worried now too." Kisa said with a worried voice. "It's been four hours also." Kisa added. "Do you think they're okay? Hiroki sent me the message saying they'll be out soon." Misaki said. "Yeah from four hours ago." Kisa sighed. 

"Want to walk back up to the school?" Kisa asked. "Are you sure, it's really dark out, and if they are home we'd just waste our time." Misaki replied. "True, I don't know what to do." Kisa said. "Let's wait tomorrow, and if they aren't there, then somethings wrong." Misaki said


"You seriously call that cleaning?" Hiroki asked. "I'm trying, okay!" Chiaki said. "Don't worry Chiaki the stain will come out soon." Ritsu said. "Just give that too me." Hiroki scrubbed the desk Chiaki was working on really hard. When Hiroki stopped the stain was gone. "Wow Hiroki, didn't know you had that in you." Shinobu teased.

Hiroki just shot Shinobu a glare. Shinobu just stuck out his tongue. "Okay guys, we're almost done three more classrooms and we'll hopefully leave soon." Ritsu said. "Do you guys need help?" A familiar voice asked in the distant. 

They looked back to see Takano and his brothers. "No we're good, thanks for asking though." Ritsu replied. "No we insist." Takano growled. They gave Takano a weird look, "Fine I guess we can have help." Ritsu gave in. "Thanks." 

"You get one classroom, and we get the other." Ritsu said. "Where's the other two?" Takano asked. "They are at the other side of the building, we split up four on two." Ritsu said. "I see." Takano said. Ritsu and his friends went into one classroom. When they all walked in the door slammed shut, and some sort of gas came out, filling the air.

"What is happening?" Chiaki asked noticing the smoke. They turned around to see white smoke filling the room. They all collapsed. 


"How are we going to get them out of here without being seen." Nowaki asked. "Open the window." Takano said. Hatori opened the window. "Good, now take their body's on the grass out there." Takano ordered. The brothers took them out, one by one. 

"But what about the other two?" Akihiko asked. "We don't want to risk it." Takano replied. 


The brothers heard the text message that Misaki sent. "Which one of their phones was it?" They all felt around, and turned on every phone. "Here." Yukina had Ritsu's phone in his hand. 

Misaki: Where are you, and the others? Kisa & I are heading to the school entrance, Hanaka-Sensei kicked us out.  

5:26 p.m. 

"We don't want them worrying, can you respond to it?" Takano asked. Yukina slide the lock screen to only come up with a pass code. "No, it has a pass code on it." Yukina responded. "Does anyone else have a pass code." Takano asked. 

"Not Kamijou's phone." Miyagi said holding it. "Yet you wouldn't expect the smart one to have no lock screen." Takano said sighing. Takano made a quick reply when he opened text messages to Ritsu. "What did you respond?" Akihiko asked. "Just the usual 'We'll be there shortly' message." Takano replied. 

"Won't they get worried if they don't get there." Yukina asked. "They should give up eventually, to make things less suspicious let's walk out front, and go around the school." Takano said. They all headed to the front.

"Make a quick conversation." Akihiko whispered as they reached the gate. "Jeez, that spray paint was hard to scrub off." Miyagi said quickly as they turned to them. "It sure was a waste of time." Takano replied, yawning for effect. 

"Hey guys, what's up?" Yukina asked pretending to see them. "Nothing, we're waiting for our friends." Misaki said. "Later." They headed towards the sidewalk that made a loop around the building.

"Hopefully they don't get worried for them." Yukina said once they were out of sight from Misaki and Kisa. "Observing them they probably will." Akihiko said. "They all should've been in the room it would be easier." Hatori said as they reached where the unconscious bodies were. 

"They will be up at in the morning right?" Nowaki asked. "Hopefully." Said Takano. 


 "Misaki, wake up!" Kisa yelled. "Wha-" Misaki woke up, yawning. "We have school today, and I don't want to start being late now." Kisa said. Misaki got up from the couch. 

"Hungry?" Kisa asked Misaki. "Yeah." Misaki said. "Here, I woke up early, and cooked eggs." Kisa handed a plate of eggs to Misaki. 

Once Misaki was done they both headed to school. "Speaking of which, have the others even viewed the text?" Kisa asked Misaki. "Hold on." Misaki took out his phone, and went to text messages. 

 "Kisa and I are heading home, we'll see you all tomorrow."

5:53 p.m. (Yesterday) Unread

"Nope." Misaki said. "That's strange they aren't even at the gate yet." Kisa said.


One student collapsed on the floor, blood was spilling out of their body. "What was that?" Misaki said jumping at the sudden noise. "Look over there." Kisa said. Misaki saw the body. "What happened?" A teacher yelled. The teacher spotted the student bleeding on the floor. "Oh my someone call the ambulance!" The teacher yelled. 

"How did this happen?" The teacher asked. "Everyone please leave this area!" A male voice yelled. Everyone evacuated the scene. "Why is everyone dying?" A random female student asked. 

"This is getting weird, I don't understand why everyone is getting hurt or killed." Misaki said to Kisa. "Yeah, what is happening? And where is our friends?" Kisa asked.

A/N: I finally managed another long chapter. Happy mother's day also, thanks for reading. 

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