Chapter 8: Gone

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"Finally I'm done." Kisa said squeezing the sponge water into the bucket. "I have one more desk to clean on my side." Misaki said. Misaki dipped the sponge in soap water, and finished cleaning the desk. "Okay, this is the last classroom, right?" Misaki asked. "Yeah." Kisa replied.

"I can finally go home." Misaki yawned. Kisa and Misaki walked out of the classroom, trying to find the others. "That's weird, did  they leave already?" Kisa asked, shutting one of the classroom doors. "You wouldn't think so." Misaki said.

"Hey, you two are you done cleaning all the classrooms I assigned?" The principal said coming from behind. "Uh, yeah." Misaki said. "Where are the others." The principal asked. "That's what we want to know." Kisa said.

"We've been trying to look for them, but we can't find them, did they perhaps leave?" Misaki asked. The principal looked confused. "No, they're supposed to be here still, you can't leave until I say so." The principal then had a angry face on. "Did they leave without my permission?"

Misaki and Kisa stared at the principal. "They wouldn't do that, unless they forgot." Misaki said. "I'm going to search this whole building, by the way you two are dismissed please leave." She said walking off.

"Wow, she can be rude sometimes." Misaki said. "I know right, one minute she's praising someone the next bitching." Kisa said. "I guess we better leave then." "What about the others?" Misaki asked. "The others probably went home. But I don't understand why they would just leave without telling us." Kisa replied.

"I'm going to send Ritsu a message, and ask him where he is." Misaki took out his phone, and started texting Ritsu.

Misaki: Where are you, and the others? Kisa & I are heading to the school entrance, Hanaka-Sensei kicked us out.

5:26 p.m. Unread

"Come on, answer." Misaki said impatiently. "Maybe there in the school cleaning still, and Ricchan has his phone set off." Kisa suggested. 


Misaki and Kisa jumped at the sudden noise the phone made. Misaki looked at his phone instead it was Hiroki. 

Hiroki: We are at the other side of the school, we'll be there shortly."

5:28 p.m. Read

Misaki: Okay, Hanaka-Sensei is looking for you also, so make sure to talk to her first, because she was mad you just disappeared. 

5:28 p.m. Read

"Hiroki said they are on there way." Misaki said. "I see. They better not take too long I'm starving." Kisa groaned. "Why did Hiroki text you instead? You sent it to Ricchan right?" Kisa asked realizing what Misaki said before. 

"Now that you mention it I did send it to Ritsu... So why would Hiroki reply to the text from his own phone?" Misaki asked. "No idea, that's what I'm wondering too." Kisa replied. 

Kisa and Misaki heard footsteps coming from behind them. They turned around to not see there friends, but the students from the roof. "Jeez, that spray pain was hard to scrub off." Complained Miyagi. "It sure was a waste of time." Takano replied, yawning 

They spotted Misaki and Kisa staring at them. "Hey, guys what's up?" Yukina asked. "Nothing, we're waiting for our friends." Misaki replied. "Later." They walked off from the school, disappearing into the sidewalk from ahead. 

Vampire University(JR + Sekaiichi Hatsukoi Crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora