Palpable Emotions

Start from the beginning

" What the fuck is he doing?" Daire murmured as she watched Scott lean in and sniff  the kid.

All of the sudden Daire felt fear course threw her veins. It was weird. It felt foreign in her body. Like she was tapping into someone else's psyche. She looked up once the fear ebbed away and the emotion was almost like a dull ache in the back of her head. 

"Argent, Stilinski," Coach began grabbing the two teens attention, " What the hell is wrong with your friend?"

Stiles and Daire looked at each other. 

" Ah he's failing two classes, he's a little socially awkward" Stiles said.

"He's never seen Star Wars, doesn't watch anime and if you look close enough his jawline is a little uneven." Daire supplied looking at Scotty boy run back to the goal.

With a closer look at Scott,"Thats interesting" and Finstock let the two of them go. 

Again Scott ran out of the goal and tackled the next player who just so happened to be Danny. Daire found the whole situation hilarious, Danny being Danny told Scott he was wearing Armani because he could tell that Scott was smelling him. It made her life. Finstock....not so much.

" McCall! If you get out of that net one more time, you'll be doing suicide runs till you die. It'll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in suicide! Got it?" 

Scott nodded, dragging his stick and himself back to the goal.

With a lame ass excuse Jackson left the field, not even waiting for an answer and shot Daire a glare as he went.... Jackass.

Suddenly Daire felt a spike of aggression in the mix of fear she had pushed back. Her gaze drifted to Isaac. His shoulders were moving erratically, like he was breathing heavy or was really angry. The whistle screeched and he caught the ball with extreme precision. It reminded Daire of her and Scotts own supernaturally enhanced reflexes.

Thats when it hit her. She was feeling his emotions. The whole sniffing thing was one of Stiles stupid plans, and they were looking for Derek's first beta.

"Fuck" Daire whispered.

Her suspicions were confirmed as Scott and Isaac charged at each other. It reminded her of all those anime battles when the two powerful opponents charged at one another at full force. The two of them collided and crashed to the ground. Daire knew that the two were staring at each other with golden eyes. Their emotions were thick and almost palpable in the air, and Daire knew that even her own eyes changed for a second with all the tension in the air. 

Daire could hear the crunching of foot steps and threw widened eyes saw Sheriff Stilinski and two deputies flanking him on the other end of the field. Not good.

Ten minutes later, the practice was over. Daire watched Isaac get placed into the back of a cop car.

"Scott, what the hell is happening?" Stiles asked as Scott joined them. 

Daire and Scott listened in, and what Daire heard had her covering a gasp with her hand.

"Isaac's father is dead," Scott filled in for Stiles. "I think it was murder."

Daire couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sure she never met the man but she had heard that it was just him and Isaac. Apparently his mother and his brother passed away years before and at that point Daire didn't want to ask anymore questions.

" Are they saying Isaac's a suspect?" Stiles questioned.

Daire looked at him with a wide eyes. Isaac, tall, shy and kind Isaac. The boy from her chemistry class that she had the biggest crush on, suspect of murder? On top of that patricide? 

" Are you serious?" She asked shocked.

Stiles shrugged. "They have to take everything into account. So are they?"

Scott shook his head. "I'm not sure why?"

"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for twenty four hours," Stiles whispered.

"Like overnight?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, on the full moon," Stiles said, a grave look on his face.

"Ah hell," Daire muttered running a hand through her hair.

Newbie werewolf + holding cell + full moon = shit pot exploding

Scott's eyebrows rose, "How good are those holding cells at holding people?"

"People, good. Werewolves, probably not that good." 

"Guys, remember when we said that we don't have the urge to maim and kill?" Scott sighed, "he does."

Daire gulped and nervously rain her hand threw her hair again, "Thats not entirely true"

Both Scott and Stiles turned to face her, "What do you mean."

"Well...I think I can feel emotions, have been since the start. I just realized it now though," Daire looked at her two friends who both held looks of shock and confusion.

" And Isaac, as much as he feels the bloodlust of the full moon. He's terrified." 

"Wait so let me get this straight," Scott stopped and looked at Daire, " Can you feel our emotions?"

Daire tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes, imagining a string that connected her to her friends. At the sudden surge of foreign emotions, she opened her eyes and nodded.

Stiles grinned, " Looks like your empathic, Batgirl"


I'm so sorry my lovelies for the very late update, school has been crazy with AP testing and life has been pretty complicated. But I hope this makes up for it.... so Daire has a new power..... I know I told you guys she wasn't a werewolf but any ideas on what she could be?? I would love to hear your guesses 😜

Let me know what you guys thought about this chapter I always love reading your comments, they make my day!! 

As always please vote and comment 

💜 Ash

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