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Adrien ducked behind a car, as arrows from the flying girl shot out like mad. Some people were hit, and set into stone. He looked around the car to get a better look of whatever was shouting. Almost instantly an arrow shot his way, he quickly turned back around and dodged it.

"Damn, where's Ladybug when you need her?" He asked himself. He continued to watch to see if he could find where the Akuma was lurking. Plagg flew out of his shirt.

"Kid, transform, no one's watching."

Adrien looked around, then back to Plagg and nodded, standing, he then pumped out his fist.

"Plagg, claws out!" In an instant, Plagg was sucked into Adrien's ring. A light of green flooded him, gaining him black cat ears, mask and suit.

Once Chat Noir he looked back to the Akuma. Watching it gave him an idea, he'd have to be quick though. Chat ran out into the open, he crawled up behind the Akuma and waited for a second or two, then when the Akuma had its back turned, he leaped.

Landing on its back, the girl noticed and tried to shake, or throw off whatever landed on it. Chat held on tight, he readied his cataclysm. Then, when for a slit second, he had a clear shot. He raised his arm, with a clear target. Shots fired, then—


The forgotten snake that was around the neck of the victim sprung out at Chat. Taking a bite to his forearm, he was pushed of the girl's back due to the force from the snake's launch.

He crashed into the side of a building, a moment later and the bite from the snake started to sting. Like poison, it spread down the rest of Chat's arm.

"Agh!" Chat grabbed where the snake bit, and pressed down on it, hoping to seize the pain, but to no avail. He bit his lip in hope to ignore it.

"Foolish little kitten." The Akumatized victim turned and faced Chat with a smirk. There was a mask over her face from the nose up. Her hair, long, brown, and tied back in a long pony tail. She wore what looked like an old fashioned Greek dress, which Adrien recognised from a history lesson at school. "Were you trying to hurt me?" She floated down in fount of Chat and lifted his chin so he could face her. She laughed. "Did the kitten get bitten?"

Chat struggled under the pain of the snake bite, it hurt, but to remain strong, he pretended as if it were nothing.

"Wouldn't you – agh – like to know?" He smirked, even under this situation, and teased. The girl frown at his reply though, she removed her hand and let Chat's head drop.

"Tut, tut. Such a shame. I thought the poison was faster than that." She looked down at Chat with amusement from his reaction.

Poison? She's kidding—

"But alas." She chuckled dryly, Chat's widened eyes gave her the impression that she did well to freak him out. "I suppose that I can wait—"

Her sentence cut short when a butterfly shaped logo appeared over her eyes. Chat knew what was about to happen, because after the butterfly faded, the girl smirked and reached for Chat's chin again, forcing him to face her.

"How about a deal, little kitty?" She began, smiling as Chat tried to remove her grip on his chin. "That bug girl will be here any minute now. You have a choice. Help me take her down and I can give you the antidote to the poison my snake gave you." Chat's eyes narrowed. "Or – you can let it take over your body, and you either die, or are forced into slavery." She smiled in delight, and eyed Chat for his reply. She was eager to know which he'd choose.

Meanwhile Chat couldn't be more distraught. He could use this time to get the antidote and save Ladybug before they got hold of her Miraculous, but that'll be traitorous, and he could never hurt his lady.

But die and say goodbye to her forever? That was something else entirely. If he said yes, he could still help Ladybug, but he'd have to think carefully.

Damn it ... "I'll do it." Chat hung his head in shame. The girl didn't have to hear it twice. She smirked, and stood properly, dropping Chat's chin.

She wasn't sure to laugh for pout in awe. "You sure, little Kitty?" She asked teasingly. Chat gritted his teeth, then looked up to her with pure determination.


This didn't faze the girl. In fact, it made her smile as if so close to innocently.

"Alright." She grabbed Chat's arm, within an instant, she snake slid down her arm, and bit Chat again where it had before.

"Agh!" He shouted out, then the snake let go and he quickly pulled his arm back. "What the hell?" he asked annoyed and with slightly less pain. The girl chuckled.

"That bite held half the antidote, enough for you to fight. But double cross me, and I won't hesitate to let him bite to again." She wasn't smiling when she said that. Instead, she gave a dull look, as to seem threatening and yet as if she didn't care whether Chat died or not.

Chat stared with a straight face, yet, more importantly, his heart was throbbing. He refused to let it show, and waited until the girl gave into his act.

Her lips finally twitched slightly into a small smirk.

"Now, Kitty, if you don't mind." She grabbed his arm again, pulled him up to his feet and pressed her cheek against his, just until her lips reached his ear. She smirked as if she hadn't enough. All Chat could do was listen carefully.

"Bring that dotted freak to her knees."

"Tout comme un papillon attiré par la flamme, vous me attirés dans, comme je ne pouvais pas sentir la douleur."

Masked Personaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن