"What do you want to do to it?" She talked his way while he approached the spot he stood in originally. He walked a few steps closer to her.

"What about some kind of mural to cover up all of the shit that is on here? Something sick, something appropriate."

She nodded in approval. She looked so beautiful he thought, standing there like a still photograph. Face washed out with moonlight and mind full of creativity.

The color he gave her was called 'penny lane'. It was a shimmery warm copper color.

Penny lane was slowly filling up the entire wall. They decided to go for it, no plans intended. Art is a disaster, but at least it makes you feel something.

"I like our mural of nothing." She said, finishing off the last of the can before grabbing the one behind her. Austin was spraying an earthy green generously in random places. Every move they made was in slow motion, in sync and in the moment.

The mural was coming together so far as blobs of colors coming out at you from the wall. Austin would glance at her every from his painting every once in a while. When she focused hard on something she would bite her cheek and look very angry. Every time he would say something she would look at him with bright eyes and a striking smile. She lit up the night.

"Diddo. Do you want to play 20 questions?" They switched sides and grabbed more cans.

Rhiannon marveled at the idea of playing 20 questions with someone who she flowed so well with.

"You go first."

Austin pulled out one of the weird questions he asks himself all the time. He'd been longing to ask someone else these too.

"Do you ever remember really weird things that you aren't even sure why your brain held onto them?"

He tried not to make it obvious that he was spray painting the outline of her head in the middle of the colors. She was too busy thinking of the question to realize.

"All the time!! I remember a lot of weird experiences and things I want to do."

"Why do you think that is?"

They constantly moved around to attack different parts of the wall with paint. He crouched to her level and patiently waited for her response.

"Well if you're going to want something to do to remember, it might as well be really odd. The same reason you remember the odd things, not the normality."

"Think you'll remember this?"

She pursed her lips and paused in the middle of spraying a circle sky blue over the copper.

"Yes." She nodded.

"So will I."

They had artists' wrists, skillfully angling the cans where they wanted lines and shapes to come together to create another world.

Austin had snuck around her crouching form quietly, trying not to draw attention to himself. The can was mapping out her eyes and hair. The expression of her immortal drawn self was laughing, the way he remembered picturing her when he told her his theory that art was everywhere.

She took the Quartz stone at the end of her necklace and put it firmly between her lips, rolling it around lightly between her teeth. Her glances met his work. She stood up quickly while her breath hitched in her throat. Frozen in pure amazement.

"Austin, that's so beautiful. You made me actually look beautiful." She progressed a quiet giggle at her self-abusive joke.

It hurt him, the comment she made. She didn't like herself and it was annoying, angering. Why was everyone so ignorant about themselves?

Sketch (Austin Abrams)Where stories live. Discover now