"It might surprise you to know that some of history's greatest leaders have had to endure some pretty great failures." Mr. Yukimura spoke as I groaned, putting my head down. I didn't get much sleep last night, who could? We you saw your previous alpha in his 17 year old form. Pretty life changing thing.

"One you'll recognize from last night's reading failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of Congress, and lost as Vice President, before he was finally elected as one of the greatest presidents that this country has ever seen." He turned away from the board. "Who was he? Malia?"

Malia opened her mouth as a cellphone ringer went off. "Scott, phones off. Malia? One of our greatest presidents. Gettysburg Address?" She opened her mouth again as the same ringer went off. Mr. Yukimura glared at the class. "Phones off Everyone. Malia?"

Malia stayed silent as Mr. Yukimura sighed. "Does anyone else know?" This time a new phone beeped as Mr. Yukimura groaned. "I said phones off!" Kira raised her hand. "Dad, that was yous."

"Oh." Mr. Yukimura grabbed his phone, furrowing his eyebrows. "Scott, call Lydia." My eyes shot to Scott who sat there silently in shock. "Ok, Aubrey, Stiles, Scott. Go take the call. The rest of you, pay attention." I quickly grabbed my things, following Stiles and Scott out of the classroom.

"What does Lydia want?" Scott shook his head, keeping his eyes on his phone. 'It's about Derek."

We rushed to the clinic, seeing Deaton putting gauze around his forearm. "What happened?" Scott asked as we crowded around the table. Deaton shook his head. "I don't think Derek is younger in body. I think he's younger in his mind too."

Lydia nodded. "He didn't recognize either of us." She sighed. "And he looked like he was scared out of his mind." Stiles nodded, crossing his arms. "So if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?"

Scott shrugged. "A wolf goes back to its den. But Derek in a loft. My eyes widened. "Not when he was a teenager." Everyone else caught on. "The Hale House." Deaton nodded. "He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet."

Scott and I glanced at eachother, walking towards the door. "Hold on." We stopped as Lydia stood there with her arms crossed. Say you do manage to catch up to him? What are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead."

I sighed, Lydia did have a point. Scott shrugged beside me. "I guess i'm going to have to." Lydia laughed dryly. "Oh, Good luck with that."

Stiles stepped forward. "She's probably right. Maybe you shouldn't. You know, at least until we figure out how to get him back to normal." Scott sighed, shaking his head. "I can't lie to him." I nodded. "Me either."

"Okay, i'll do it." Scott shook his head. "I don't think any of us can. Remember, he can hear heartbeat rising. When we find him, we tell him the truth." Deaton crossed his arms. "If he gets to the house first, you won't have to."

Right as we walked out the door, Stiles' phone went off. "Hello?"

"Stiles, you three need to get down to the station right now." His dad's voice boomed through the speaker.

"Dad, how did you-" "Just get down here." Stiles sighed, bringing the phone down from his ear. "Well, I guess we know where Derek is."

We all got into the jeep as Stiles drove us towards the station.

As we walked into the station, Stiles' dad was bent down in front of Derek. Once he caught sight of us, he stood up, beckoning us into his office. He shut the door behind us, walking in front of us, his arms crossed. "I want you to be honest with me. Absolutely and completely honest." We all nodded as he sighed. "Have you been time traveling?"

Hiraeth //S.S.// ➸ Book 2Where stories live. Discover now