Burning Jealousy

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Training with All Might for 10 months was a pain,but the only loop hole of people who knew of his secret were just you and Izuku. Pleading to get your approval papers handed to you from the principle,you and that tree-leafed kid were almost sobbing puddles.
Bakugou nearly was to his reaching point of kicking your asses. Just how old were you?
At last your letters of approval from the school were in your grasp,and you felt a Fourth of July filling your chest. Bakugou took it casually as you two dimbos were acting like a little kid getting a brand new toy. Izuku and you were jumping to were you could touch the ceiling,so that statement of acting like children was accurate.
"What the–?" Bakugou watched at how you could nearly jump over his head,but since that was an almost,he could he see your underwear.
And at that moment you came down again,he caught you. He honestly didn't want anybody else to see your white-with-pink-ribbon panties.
He walked out nearly holding you so tight you thought he'd break a rib.
"My paper!!!!" You cried as you had dropped it. Izuku picked it up and watched in awe as the girl he knew his whole life go out the door with his lifelong bully.

This mister steal yo girl.

Only hearing footsteps,your eyes had been closed. You didn't want to see how angry his face was. Because that—wasn't a pleasant sight to see. It was as scary as watching someone trying to play a new instrument and thinking they were good at it.
He roughly set you down to the cold floor,why is he so harsh?
It was only a matter of time before he kills you,your conscious wasn't helping this situation at all. And on that note,he picked you up by your shirt,"I didn't tell you to apply you little winch!" His blood was almost to the boiling point of rage,"why'd you do it,how'd you even get in!? Oh I think I get it now." He hissed,"you're a cheat. Always have and always will! You're so weak you don't have any will of your own!"
Just hearing him think that about you like that was heart-rendering,but—regardless,you knew you got this in the bag,you were leaking out with confidence.
"Kachan,"you spoke determinedly,"someone said Izuku and I could be heroes,and we won't know until we try,but!" You loudly spoke,"being a hero doesn't require a skill! And I know we'll pull through in the future,because I won't let anyone like you take it away!"
Why,why did you keep referring to Izuku? His mind was wondering wildly. But even so,he wasn't happy,what he was ready to do was to beat you with a brick. You defied him,and where he's from,nobody defies Bakugou Katsuki,because he was all "hot shit". Hot shit with a bad temper.
But right as he was about to hit you and your body flinched,shutting your eyes tightly,he loosened his grip,just what was he thinking? He was about to beat up a girl,his friend since his childhood era.
"You know,I don't know what you're trying to look for,but you won't find it in me." He deeply spoke with a smug face,he settled you down gently on your feet.
You slowly opened your eye one at a time to see he had given mercy to you. It's as if though he dropped his tough guy act,and it's not like you were so bothered by it that'd you die,but you liked seeing him this way,the one with a personality that wasn't like a dynamite exploding every 5 seconds. Because that's what he was,a cute but ignorant grenade.
You were hugged. And it wasn't uncomfortable as his strength had usually dominated,but you wouldn't mind staying like this,the only thing you could do was give in,and enjoy while it lasted.
And you know,you think you could give in to this new person,Katsuki Bakugou.

         Here you were,U.A. And you already secretly high-fived  yourself for making sure you didn't freak out like deer in hunting season. But,on the other hand,Izuku had took a chance of running inside in adrenaline when sudden trip had made is way and there he was tumbling without hitting the ground. Blinking a few moments before realizing what actually happened,his body flopped like a fish trying to figure out why he wasn't his usually standing.
          A pair of gentle delicate little hands straddled him down,"sure would be shame if you fell,right?" She smiled brightly almost making his heart boil and fall his stomach. Izuku thought he talked to a girl. And you nearly laughed.
          You had taken your first steps into the row you all decided to sit together in. An anonymous guy thought sitting next to you would be better than winning 100 dollars,so he took his shot. A hand was on his shoulder barely leaving a bone to be in perfect shape.
"Scram," Bakugou said sounding pissed,"try anything and I'll kill you."
          Ants had crawled up his spine and down,he ran for the farthest row possible. His chin was in the air glaring down at how he how moved so fast,he sat down,and no one to the left of him dared to even touch a chair by him. But it didn't matter,just as long as you were by his side. He was thinking of how to 'slip' again.
       During the speech,you knew you had to pay attention. But,Katsuki wasn't making that possible anytime soon. His finger tip kept touching your skin with heat applied forcing you to yelp. Great. Embarrassment.
       You got the crowds eyes as your hands went over your mouth,spotlight. What a boost. Fortunately,a tree had taken the blame,apologizing loudly. Well that was sweet of him. When the crowd finally turned,you had hugged him,Izuku felt a heat warm his ears and maybe that wasn't him,it was more likely Bakugou's stare that got him heated.

And that's where it ended,the presentation was over,and all of you had walked out together.

"Thanks again Midoriya!" You patted his fro.
Steam lifted off his face in blush you thought he could've passed out any second. But on the other hand,Katsuki was mumbling die to Izuku the whole way he could've sworn the words were flying out of his mouth.
He waved goodbye and ran off.
"Why do you treat him so well." Bakugou muttered watching Izuku run.
"Get real." You smiled walking away,only to be pulled back from,your wrist.
"When did I say I was joking!?" He raised your hand making you go into his chest,"why is he treated so much better than me?!" Katsuki was almost shouting.

Why is he like this? What caused him to be so...so enraged?

You struggled,and your wrist started to get hot. He wasn't letting you go anytime soon.
"I don't treat him differently then you,I was just—!" He didn't like your excuses. So finally he got his chance to shut you up.
His warm lips collided into yours like two cars. He walked with your lips in tact. Izuku turned his body around from the commotion. He watched in fright as Katsuki showed him his favorite finger and glared. Pulling you into a hidden place behind your house,his hands bombarded you against the wall while he dispatched his face from yours with half lidded eyes to see your expression.
Your eyes trembled with confusion,and your heart flew into the highest depths of the sky.
"Why do you keep doing this? Is this some way of...playing with me...?" You said in hurt. Your heart had been in the highest point of the sky,to being the lowest point of the ocean. Your eyes started to stare down at the ground,and you watched your vision go into a blur as tears developed and slid of your cheeks.
             He was flabbergasted at how you thought he worked.

"I'm not playing with you," He said in neutral tone,"I know how I feel,and personally,sometimes I wish these feelings would die," He leaned in to hug your curves,"but I'm happy that I feel this way towards you,so don't make me get all touchy about it!" His mouth was muffled by your shoulder of which he set down there.
"You're too sweet,Katsuki." You smiled into his neck hugging back.
          He blushed then clenched his teeth as his chin rested on your head. Damn,this was too cute and embarrassing. Especially since he had to basically reach down to even get to your shoulder.
"That was a pretty big slip back there Bakugou."
"Shut up."


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