Confessions of a Point Guard

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(A/N: Hey, guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I have AP exams coming up so this will probably be the last chapter that comes out until after my exams. But good news: I finished writing this for you guys instead of studying! XD Thanks to everyone who followed, favorited, and reviewed. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave a review or PM me. Anyway, here's the next chapter! Keep in mind that the bold text stands for English, the italic text stands for thoughts, and that Imayoshi has a Kansai accent. The equivalent of Kansai in English is a southern accent so I tried writing his dialogue that way. I feel like I just gave you a key for a map. The stu"dying" of history is getting to me. Anyway, enjoy! :D)

Chapter Six

Izuki and Takao dragged Kuroko out to the lobby lounge. There were a few chairs around a coffee table so they sat there. It was calmer than in the rec room, which was perfect for Kuroko since he needed to sort things out in his head.

"We thought you might want to cool down a bit before we went back to the rec room," Izuki said.

Kuroko nodded. He definitely needed that. The boy's hand unconsciously went to his mouth. He couldn't fight the blush that rushed to his cheeks and painted them with the color that caused this in the first place as he recollected what happened. The red was obvious since it contrasted with the boy's pale skin. The feeling of the redhead's smooth, soft lips on his, the warmth that came from their embrace, the way his touch made electrical shocks run through his body—the shadow couldn't get it out of his head. It was driving him crazy. His heart was still racing.

It was just a kiss. Why am I so flustered? I've written stuff way more perverted than this so why am I so affected by this? Is it because it was my first one?

The two point guards shared a look then grinned knowingly. This was the first time they've seen usually-stoic-faced Kuroko so emotional when things didn't involve basketball. They were pretty surprised when the shadow lightly slapped himself as an attempt to snap out of it. 'It' being whatever Akashi caused within him.

"You good?" Izuki asked.

"Yes, thank you," he responded.

"Don't mention it. That's what senpai are for," he said with a smile.

"Kuroko, can I ask you something?" Takao asked.

The said boy looked to the hawk-eyed player.

"What do you think of Akashi?"

Kuroko was a bit surprised but answered easily. "I respect him. I owe my whole basketball style to him in the first place."

"Eh? Really?" Takao had never heard that before.

Kuroko nodded.

"Okay, but what do you think of him in 'another' sense?" he pressed on.

"Another sense?"

"Say... romantically."

Ah, this is what they've been hinting at. Well, I suppose I should give them an answer. "I-I like him," he said, his cheeks a rosy shade.

HE STUTTERED! The point guards almost gasped aloud.

"Since when?" Izuki asked.

"Middle school probably."

"I see, I see," Takao said.

The blue-haired boy blew out some hot air. "So when did you start liking Midorima-kun?"

"Whaaaaaat? Whatchu talkin' bout, boooooy?"

"Don't feign ignorance, Takao-kun," Kuroko said. "I order you to speak up." He stared at the hawk-eyed player with eyes that bore into his soul.

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