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Chapter Two

In the recreation room, the basketball teams were having a table tennis tournament. The tournament would last for three nights, but the penalty would last until the camp was over. The penalty was that the losers had to be the winners' slaves until the next match. The champion of the tournament would get to keep their slaves for an extra two days. There would be three matches tonight: Seirin vs. Shutoku, Kaijo vs. Touo, and Yosen vs. Rakuzan.

Kagami ran into the room. "COACH!" he yelled.

Riko was refereeing the match between Kaijo and Touo. They'd only started now because their aces had just joined them. "Bakagami! Where have you been? Go join the rest of the team. They're deciding which two are gonna play for our match. Where's Kuroko?"

"That's what I was gonna tell you. He's unconscious. He fainted in the bath."

"What?! Where is he?!" she asked, worriedly.

"Akashi's taking care of him."

"Eh? Akashi?"

"Uh, yeah," Kagami said. Akashi seemed like a psycho to Kagami, but he was sure Kuroko was safe with him. "I ran into him in the hallway. He was carrying Kuroko to their room."

On the other hand, Riko was inwardly fangirling. She was quite the fujoshi. She could picture the scene unfolding: Akashi carrying Kuroko bridal style, them alone in a dark room, Akashi caring for Kuroko as he was knocked out. She actually kind of shipped them, but she also kind of shipped the shadow with Kagami, but, to her, Kagami would also be good with Aomine. Let's just say she shipped a lot of ships, and if any of them were to come true, she'd support it.

"Let him rest. He'll be fine," she said with a smile. If Akashi's with him, he'll be fine, she thought.

"Alright. What about the tournament?"

"We'll win against Shutoku with the members we have now."

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," Shutoku's coach, Nakatani, said.

"Bring it on, Ma-boy!" Kagetora said, interrupting. "My bet's on Seirin!"

Riko sighed at her dad's idiocy.

"Uh, can we continue now?" Kise asked.

"Ah, yeah. Sorry," Riko said. She blew her whistle, signaling the next round.

~The Author~

Akashi leaned against the wall. He unlocked his phone. He decided to look online to see if what Kuroko was writing was on there. He opened up his internet browser and typed Midnight by Kage no Kyou in the search bar. He found what he was looking for immediately on some site that was unfamiliar to him called FanFiction. He clicked on the link then started reading.

It was midnight when it all began...

I was simply sitting in my room, reading a book. It was a book about legends. Of course, being the skeptical one that I am, I thought there was no way this could be true and that this was only fiction, but that's where I went wrong. I was on a part in the book that talked about a spirit that supposedly came out of the book. There was even a chant written in here to summon it.

I thought to myself that the author of this book had to be fucking with me. Like, come on, do you seriously expect me to believe this? I read the chant out loud to demonstrate that I was not scared of this shit.

"Take over, Desire
When situations are dire
The toll will be paid
With this masquerade
As sweet as a carnation
Will come this temptation
With pain will come pleasure
That will become treasure
Like taking an aphrodisiac
For me, there is no going back
Like swift attacks
Will come your climax
Given to you by a silver spoon
Is this sin you commit under the moon
Hidden from all light
It will come at midnight
With no one else can I make do
With all my strength, I summon you!"

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